Financial Data Analysis
Financial information may have significant differences from one year to the next. Review the financial statements for Patton-Fuller Hospital for 2008 and 2009, as well as the narrative information from the Annual Report.
Resources: Financial Statements under Chief Financial Officer in the Patton-Fuller Hospital Virtual Organization, Financial Data Analysis Grading Criteria located on your student website
Select Downloads from the Financial Statements tab under the Chief Financial Officer link in the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization on your student website.
Download the Microsoft® Excel® versions of the 2009–2008 Balance Sheet (Audited) and 2009–2008 Statement of Revenue and Expense (Audited).
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the audited financial statements of Patton-Fuller Hospital for 2008 and 2009.
Include in your analysis:
•Balance Sheet in a Microsoft® Excel® document including columns for the following:
?2008 financial data
?2009 financial data
?The amount of change in dollars
?The percent change
•Statement of Revenue and Expenses in a Microsoft® Excel® document including columns for the following:
?2008 financial data
?2009 financial data
?The amount of change in dollars
?The percent change
•Identify significant changes between the years.
•Provide possible explanations for the change based on information in the Annual Report.
Submit the Microsoft® Excel® worksheets with the written analysis.