Feminism, Pornography, and Censorship
Project description
select one of the readings from the White text that (1) does not appear on the syllabus for the course (and is not one of White’s chapter introductions), and (2) argues for a moral rather than political position (check with me if you have a question whether a particular reading satisfies this second requirement). Based on the reading, write a five-page critical analysis paper (double-spaced and in a standard writing style format, such as MLA or APA) in which you explain and evaluate the author’s view. Your paper should include four distinct parts:
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1. Introduction – Introduce the topic you are writing on and express in a clear fashion the thesis of your paper.
2. Explanation – Explain in detail the view of the author you are writing on and discuss the reasons the author gives in support of his view.
3. Evaluation – Evaluate the author’s view. Evaluating a view is not the same as stating whether you agree or disagree with it. Instead, evaluating a view requires examining whether the reasons given for it are good reasons (i.e., both true and relevant) as well as investigating whether there are any good reasons against the view itself.
4. Conclusion – Restate your thesis and briefly summarize the main elements in your paper that support your thesis.