Address the following questions to analyze the FBI and Apple Communication Error Crisis on March 2016
1) What is the history of the problem or issue at your case site?
2) Why is this problem or issue being raised now?
3) Who is involved and/or impacted? How?
4) How have other businesses, organizations, and/or other entities responded to this problem or issue?
5) What individuals, groups, and/or stakeholders have the power to address this problem or issue? What are their respective motivations?
6) Do different individuals, groups, and/or stakeholders see this issue differently? If so, explain.
7) What is the decision to be made? Explain.
8) Why is this problem or issue important? Why is it important, generally? Why is it important to the business or organization?
9) Is this problem or issue an opportunity, a threat, or both? Explain.
10) What steps might the business or organization take to address this problem or issue? What resources might be required? Are there political considerations? Explain.
11) Are there any ethical, legal or regulatory considerations? If so, what are they?
12) Has this problem or issue been addressed in the business press? If so, by whom? When? What questions have been raised? What conclusions have been reached?
13) Is there any academic research that might provide insight into this problem or issue? If so, please describe this research.