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Examine the case for rural diversification in general,(using the case of Ireland). Assess the extent to which the concepts of bottom-up development and integrated rural development represent the nature of bottom-up tourism development strategies. Use exam

Examine the case for rural diversification in general,(using the case of Ireland). Assess the extent to which the concepts of bottom-up development and integrated rural development represent the nature of bottom-up tourism development strategies. Use exam
1. Recommended Readings re Rural Tourism Assignment (2016)
Mottiar, Z. (2016) ‘The importance of local area as a motivation for cooperation among rural tourism entrepreneurs’, Tourism Planning & Development, Vol. 13, No. 2, pages 203–218: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/21568316.2015.1076509

-Lane, B. & E. Kastenholz (2015) ‘Rural tourism: the evolution of practice and research approaches towards a new generation concept?’,Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 23, Nos. 8-9, pages. 1133-1156: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09669582.2015.1083997

-Kelley, H, Van Rensburg, T.M. & N. Jeserich (2016) ‘Determinants of demand for recreational walking trails in Ireland’, Tourism Management, Vol. 52, February, Pages 173–186: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517715001235

– Komppula, R. (2014) The role of individual entrepreneurs in the development of competitiveness for a rural tourism destination – A case study, Tourism Management, Vol. 40, February, Pages 361–371: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517713001398;
– Potocnik-Slavic, I. & S. Schmitz (2013) ‘Farm Tourism Across Europe’, European Countryside, Vol. 4, pages 265-274: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/euco.2013.5.issue-4/euco-2013-0017/euco-2013-0017.xml
– McAreavey, R. & J. McDonagh (2010) ‘Sustainable Rural Tourism: Lessons for Rural Development’, SociologiaRuralis, Vol. 51(2), pages 175-194: http://wa9ae9uv9t.scholar.serialssolutions.com/?sid=google&auinit=R&aulast=McAreavey&atitle=Sustainable+rural+tourism:+lessons+for+rural+development&id=doi:10.1111/j.1467-9523.2010.00529.x&title=Sociologia+ruralis&volume=51&issue=2&date=2011&spage=175&issn=0038-0199 ;
– Brouder, P. (2012) ‘Tourism Development Against the Odds: The Tenacity of Tourism in Rural Areas’, (Editorial): Tourism Planning & Development, Vol. 9 (4): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21568316.2012.726259 ;

Moore Quinn, E. (2015) “‘They Make Us Feel Like Family’: A Cultural Reading of the Irish Bed and Breakfast”, New Hibernia Review, Vol. 19 (1), Spring: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/new_hibernia_review/v019/19.1.quinn.pdf
Anderson, E., Bakir, A. & E. Wickens (2015) ‘Rural Tourism Development in Connemara, Ireland’, Tourism Planning & Development, Vol. 12(1), pages 73-86: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21568316.2014.965844

Delheure, L., Heneghan, M., Jackson, R., Meredith, D., Leonard, B., Conneely, R., Ryan, M. & C. O’Donoghue (2014), ‘Rural Tourism’, Chapter 9: http://www.agresearch.teagasc.ie/rerc/CEDRA/REDI_Chapter9.pdf

Frost, D. (2014) ‘Barriers to Rural Enterprise Growth’, Chapter 23: http://www.agresearch.teagasc.ie/rerc/CEDRA/REDI_Chapter23.pdf

Conway, T. & M. Cawley (2012) ‘Organizational Networking in an Emerging EcoTourism Destination’, Tourism Planning & Development, Vol. 9 (4): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21568316.2012.726256

Cooke, G.B., Burns, J.K., Mann, S.L., Kyle W.J., Vardy, B. & L. Cass (2016) ‘The Case of Ireland’s County Donegal: Stimulating Rural Labour Markets via Training, Tourism and Nurturing Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship’, E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, Adapt University Press, Vol 5 (1), January: http://www.adapt.it/EJCLS/index.php/ejcls_adapt/article/view/340/445

Conaghan, A., Hanrahan, J. & E. McLoughlin (2015) ‘The sustainable management of a tourism destination in Ireland: A focus on County Clare’, Advances in Hospitality and TourismResearch (AHTR), Vol. 3 (1), pgs 62-87: http://www.ahtrjournal.org/admin/dosyalar/9/5-manuscript.pdf

Sidali, K.L., Kastenholz, E. & R. Bianchi (2015) ‘Food tourism, niche markets and products in rural tourism: combining the intimacy model and the experience economy as a rural development strategy’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 23 (8-9): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09669582.2013.836210

Tourism and Transport Consulting (TTC) (2014) ‘Ireland’s B&B Experience a Business Challenge’, Report commissioned on behalf of ITIC, July: http://www.itic.ie/wp01-content/uploads/2015/05/BBI_Report_final.pdf

CHL Consulting Company Ltd (2014) ‘Protecting the Irish Environment and Landscape: A Critical Issue for Irish Tourism’, Report commissioned on behalf of ITIC, August:http://www.itic.ie/wp01-content/uploads/2015/05/ITIC_Environment_Report_August_14.pdf

Tourism and Transport Consulting (TTC) (2014) ‘Ireland’s Inland Waterways – Review & Outlook’, Report prepared for ITIC with support of the Irish Boat Rental Association, June: http://www.itic.ie/wp01-content/uploads/2015/05/ITIC-Irelands-Inland-Waterways-Review_Outlook-0614.pdf

Irish Tourist Industry Confederation (ITIC) (2014) ‘Irish Pubs, A Core Tourism Experience’, July: http://www.itic.ie/wp01-content/uploads/2015/05/Irish_Pubs-A_core_tourism_experience_July_14__2_.pdf

Cawley, M. & D. A. Gillmor (2008) ‘Integrated rural tourism: Concepts and Practice’, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 35 (2), April, Pages 316-337: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160738307001119

Quinn, B. & T. Ryan (2016) ‘Tour Guides and the mediation of difficult memories: the case of Dublin Castle, Ireland’, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 19(4): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13683500.2014.1001727

Robinson, J. & N. O’Connor (2013) ‘Ballyhoura—A Case Study of Cohesive Rural Tourism Planning in Ireland’, Tourism Planning & Development, Vol. (10), Issue 3: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21568316.2012.747988

Yadav, l., O’Neill, S. & T. Rensburg (2013) ‘Supporting the Conservation of Farm Landscapes Via the Tourism Sector’, The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 4 (2), Summer, pages 221–245: http://www.esr.ie/article/view/70/61
McAreavey, R., McDonagh, J. & M. Heneghan (2009) ‘Conflict to Consensus, Contested Notions of Sustainable Rural Tourism on the Island of Ireland’, Chapter 12, in: A living countryside?The Politics of Sustainable Development in Rural Ireland byMcDonagh, J., Varley, T. & S. Shortall (eds.), Ashgate Publishing, (E-Book in UL Library)
Robinson, J. & N. O’Connor (2013) ‘Assessing the Innovative role of Ballyhoura Development within a Regional Context’, Regional Studies: http://www.regionalstudies.org/uploads/Mrs_Jillian_Robinson_and_Dr_No%C3%ABlle_O%E2%80%99Connor.pdf
Varley, T., McDonagh, J. & S. Shorthall (2009) ‘The Politics of Rural Sustainability’, Chapter 1, in: A living countryside?The Politics of Sustainable Development in Rural Ireland byMcDonagh, J., Varley, T. & S. Shortall (eds.), Ashgate Publishing, (E-Book in UL Library)
Geoff, A. Wilson & I. Whitehead (2012) ‘Local rural product as a ‘relic’ spatial strategy in globalised rural spaces: Evidence from County Clare (Ireland)’, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 28, Issue 3, July, Pages 199–207: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016712000046

Munar, A.M. & J.K. Steen Jacobsen (2014) ‘Motivations for sharing tourism experiences through social media’, Tourism Management, Vol. 43, Pages 46–54: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517714000132
Lin, C-F., Shiu, H-J.& M-Y Wu (2012) ‘Exploring the Relationships Between Tourist Perceptions and the Service Quality of B&Bs’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 29(6): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10548408.2012.703036

O’ Donovan, I., Quinn, M. & A.M. Lally (2015) ‘An exploration of food tourism and destination experience along the Wild Atlantic Way’, June, presented at the 11th Annual Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland Conference: http://cual.openrepository.com/cual/bitstream/10759/583569/1/An+exploration+of+food+tourism+and+destination+experience+along+the+Wild+Atlantic+Way.pdf

McCann, M. & A. Barlow (2015) ‘Use and measurement of social media for SMEs’, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,Vol. 22(2), pages 273-287: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/JSBED-08-2012-0096

Ireland, P.R. (2014) ‘Cracker craic: the politics and economics of Scots-Irish cultural promotion in the USA’, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 20(4): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10286632.2013.817397

Manton, R., Hynes, S. & E. Clifford (2016) ‘Greenways as a tourism resource: a study of user spending and value’, Tourism Planning & Development: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/21568316.2015.1136835

Marschall, S. (2014) ‘Tourism and remembrance: the journey into the self and its past’, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, Vol 12(4): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14766825.2014.890208

AYLWARD, E.(2009) ‘Rural Tourism Development: Proposing an Integrated model of rural stakeholder network relationships’, Doctoral Colloquium,WIT, http://rikon.ie/images/publications/RURAL_TOURISM_DEVELOPMENT_PROPOSING_AN_INTEGRATED_MODEL_OF_RURAL_STAKEHOLDER_NETWORK_RELATIONSHIPS_-_RIKON_Group.pdf

Garrod, B., Wornell, R. & R. Youell (2006) ‘Re-conceptualising rural resources as countryside capital: The case of rural tourism’, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 22(1), January, Pages 117-128;

Kivela, J. & J.C. Crotts (2006) ‘Tourism and gastronomy: gastronomy’s influence on how tourists experience a destination, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research’, Vol. 30 (3), Pages 354-377;
Everett, S. (2012) ‘Production Places or Consumption Spaces? The Place-making Agency of Food Tourism in Ireland and Scotland’, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, Vol.14 (4), pages 535-554: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14616688.2012.647321

O’Donovan, I., Quinlan, T. & T. Barry (2012) ‘From farm to fork: Direct supply chain relationships in the hospitality industry in the south east of Ireland’,British Food Journal, Vol. 114 (4): http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/00070701211219522

TEAGASC: http://www.teagasc.ie/ruraldev/rural_tourism/

Tipperary County Council: http://www.tipperarycoco.ie/community-and-economic-development/tipperary-county-councils-role-tourism


Tipperary County Council(2013) ‘North Tipperary Tourism Strategy & Action Plan 2013 -2014’, March:http://www.tipperarycoco.ie/sites/default/files/Publications/North%20Tipperary%20Tourism%20Strategy%20and%20Action%20Plan%202013%20-%202014.pdf




Ireland: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: http://www.environ.ie/en/Community/RuralDevelopment/EURuralDevelopment/

Ireland: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government:http://www.environ.ie/en/Community/RuralDevelopment/EURuralDevelopment/LocalActionGroups/

Ireland: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: http://www.environ.ie/en/Community/RuralDevelopment/NationalRuralDevelopment/


EcoTourism Ireland
















2. MA rural filed trip in Ireland — case study supporting list
Tue. 01 March 2016
• Mr. James Whelan (Owner), ‘Spirit of Killaloe River Cruises & Boat Hire’, Co. Clare;
• MsRuth Minogue (Environment Consultant), Minogue & Associates, Tuamgraney, Co. Clare;
• Ms. AnkeMcKernan (Managing Director) ‘McKernanHandweavers’, Tuamgraney, Co. Clare;
• Ms. Franci Corbett (Manager) ‘Derg Isle’, Carowmore, Scariff, Co. Clare
• MrEoin O’Hagan (Owner), ‘Clarevirtually.ie’.
• Ms. Vera O’Rourke (Owner), ‘Sunrise B&B’, Mountshannon, Co. Clare;
• Ms. Tracey Burrows (Manager), ‘SlieveAughty Centre’ (Riding Centre, Language School &The Three Towers Eco House/Restaurant), Loughrea, Co. Galway
• Ms. Aileen O’Dowd? ‘The Irish Workhouse Centre’, Portumna, Co. Galway;
• Mr. Niall Heenan (Owner), ‘Fuchsia Lane Farm’, Roran, Terryglass, Co. Tipperary;
• Great National Abbey Court Hotel, Leisure Centre & Spa, 3*, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary (accommodation &dinner).

Wed. 02 March 2016
• Ms. Jennifer Carey (Restaurant Manager & Wedding Co-ordinator), Great National Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh;
• Ms. Aine McCarthy (Tourism Officer, Tipperary County Council);
• Ms. Geraldine Malone (Genealogy), Ger Maher (Supervisor),‘Nenagh Genealogy & Heritage Services’, North Tipperary, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary
• Mr. Kevin Whelan (Historian), ‘Nenagh Castle’, Nenagh Heritage Centre, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary;
• Ms. Gráinne Donoghue (Promoter: Accommodation, weddings & meetings), ‘Coolbawn Quay ’, (Lakeshore spa & marina), Coolbawn, North Tipperary;
• Ms. Anne Gernon (Owner), ‘Brocka-on-the-Water Restaurant’, Kilgarvan Quay, Ballinderry, Co. Tipperary;
• Ms. Ailbhe Gerrard (Owner), ‘Brookfield Farm’ (artisan honey producey), Coolbawn, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary;
• Mr. Graham Kenny (Owner) ‘Bike Park Ireland’, (Mountain Biking, Self-catering accommodation & Walking Trails’, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary;
• Ms. Lucy Klehoe (Owner), ‘Cloughjordan House & Cookery School’, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary.

3. The concepts of Bottom- up development
A ‘Bottom-Up’ approach/development is a very widely-used term.
Some of the recommended readings that I distributed (on e-mail) also address the concept of bottom-up.

In the context of the recent MA field-trip, it relates to the fact the local community and its stakeholders can participate in decision-making about plans, priorities and strategies for an area being developed (for tourism).
(In this context, ‘local community and stakeholders’ normally refers to: the local population, economic and social interest groups as well as, representative public and private institutions).
Rural policies following a bottom-up developmental approach should be designed and implemented in a way best adapted to the needs of the communities that they serve.

Whereas,aTop-Down approach tends to involve the type of decision-making being made by national and/or regional authorities. One way to ensure a bottom-up approach is to invite local stakeholders to take the lead and participate.

Participation of a local community should not be limited to the early (initial) phase but should extend throughout the implementation process of any process, contributing to a (new) strategy/plan, the accomplishment of the selected projects and in learning for the future.

Experience over time shows that the bottom-up approach should not be considered as an alternative to top-down approaches but rather as combining and interacting with them, in order to achieve better results, overall.

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