every womwn matters study
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three articles review three articles
Artcle one -Improving Female Preventive Health Care DeliveryThrough Practice Change: An Every Woman Matters Study- This is a failure program –
Write what is Every Woman Matters Study and Analyze possible reasons the program was ineffective –
(I need 3 good reason one paragraph)
expect you to apply what you learned from the comparative campaigns to the Every Woman Matters (EWM) Program
Article two -Effectiveness of Cultivando La Salud: A Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Promotion Program forLow-Income Hispanic Women – This is successful program ,
– Write what is this article about , why this is a successful program and read compare the result before and after the program (for example Ninety percent of those who took the nurse lead class on antidepressants reported a medication compliance rate of seventy-five percent or greater when interviewed two weeks after the class ended. Twenty percent in the control group, who read a brochure, reported a medication compliance rate of seventy-five percent)
Artcle -3 Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening for a Multiethnic Population of Women in South Texas
Write what is this article about, why this is a successful program and read compare the result before and after the program (for example Ninety percent of those who took the nurse lead class on antidepressants reported a medication compliance rate of seventy-five percent or greater when interviewed two weeks after the class ended. Twenty percent in the control group, who read a brochure, reported a medication compliance rate of seventy-five percent)