The papers require program evaluations of public or non-profit programs of choice (preferably in Louisiana but not required. For the process evaluation, information on the delivery of an existing program should be used, based upon interviews, documents, field research and other information. For the outcome evaluation, data should be collected and analyzed using a computer statistical package, such as EXCEL or SPSS. An experimental or quasi-experimental design should be used in data collection, e.g. a time series design. Each paper should be 2500-5000 words in length.
2nd part will also be enlisted as another order once the first part is complete***A suggested format for the second paper is: Introduction (2 pages, brief literature review in APA style, research question), Methodology (1 page, source of information, research design, etc.), Results (5-6 pages, including tables), Discussion (3-4 pages, fit with previous literature, shortcomings, suggestions for future research).***
***Before accepting a bid, please give me the topic of the program you will be evaluating***