Electronic dance music in NYC’s nightclub
Sound plays a critical role in our perception of space. We use sound to locate ourselves within an environment. Even when viewing two-dimensional
media, sound designers use sophisticated techniques to create the illusion of three dimensional space. Sound plays an equally important role in the
?real? spaces we inhabit; particularly in the era of the earbud, individuals become the curators of their own living soundtracks.
– Analyze the role that sound of EDM(Electronic dance music) in a night club. How does sound work to ?flesh out? and transform space of nightclub?
What techniques do producers use to craft sonic spaces? And what meanings do nightclub space create?
-Create a arguable THESIS about EDM of NYC’s nightclub.
The goal here is THICK DESCRIPTION and detail of EDM in nightclub in NYC. Observe carefully, with an open mind. Compile as many observations as you
can, looking at the musical scene as a true CULTURE, one that is part of a particular historical time and place.