Description: Select an EVENT that has occurred in history. Discuss briefly what led up to that event (cause) and then, at length, discuss the effect (s) that event has had on society.
Try to avoid the “easy” topics such as world wars, the events of 9/11, Chernobyl, etc. Instead concentrate on your hobbies and interests.
Be sure that your paper focuses on a specific event. This assignment is not your typical research paper. If it is not easily determinable which event is the focus of your paper, the highest content grade you will receive is a 75. If you do not use any in-text citations, you will receive a zero on the assignment as most or all information would be plagiarized.
• Must include at least three credible sources (Wikipedia is not credible).
• Must be a minimum of 3 pages.
• Must briefly include the cause (s) (what led up to the problem), and focus primarily on the effect (s) that event has had on society.
• Must include a Works Cited page, MLA format.
• Must be firmly supported with research, especially the effects. Do not merely use research to lay out the details of the event. Use it to also back up the claims that you make.
• Must include in-text citation after every borrowed word AND idea. In-text citations should not appear only at the end of a paragraph. They should appear after a borrowed idea or quotes words, before you include any of your own original thoughts.