Seminar questions and assigned readings form the basis of double-spaced, 1250-1500 word critical reflections papers. All papers should include a general introduction to the area and discuss empirical research used to examine the topic. This may include primary and secondary sources beyond the assigned readings. The paper should also include a section that provides students’ own critical analyses (e.g., Why is one side of the debate more convincing? How can we improve upon our knowledge of this issue? What are the implications of the finding for everyday relationships?) For a high mark, students need to demonstrate a critical understanding of the issue and key concepts by making meaningful connections among concepts and integrating information from the readings with their own experiences and viewp01oints. Critical reflections should focus on a few key points rather than introduce a number of ideas that are never fully developed. In addition, critical reflection papers should be carefully organized, include information that clearly relates to the main topic, and be free of grammatical errors.