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Assume you work in HR planning for a large hotel/resort in mobile, AL. based on the past data, you have the following transition probability matrix for key jobs. Assume that your workforce numbers will be staying the same (the work force numbers are listed in parentheses next to each job).

Mobile hotel

Job (work force) Housekeeping Maintenance Front desk Guest house Exit
Housekeeping (160) 0.40 0 0 0.05 0.55
Maintenance (110) 0.05 0.75 0.05 0 0.15
Front Desk (102) 0 0.03 0.67 0.17 0.13
Guest House (98) 0 0.05 0.10 0.70 0.15


a)      Summarize trends you see in terms of movement ratio, within, and out of jobs. Show your result in a table and mention in bullet points the key trends you see(e.g. the majority of workers in XYZ job exit the organization). Note use decimals for FTEs (e.g.19.0 FTEs) rather than rounding off.


Mobile hotel

Job   Workforce Housekeeping Maintenance Front   Desk Guest   House Exit
House   Keeping 64 0 0 8 88
Maintenance 5.5 82.5 5.5 0 16.5
Front   Office 0 3.06 68.34 17.24 13.26
Guest   House 0 4.9 9.8 68.6 14.7


Majority of workers is observed in the house keeping job in the organization with a total of 88 exiting out of a possible 160 workers. This represents 55% of the total housekeepers recruited in the organization. The least exit is observed in the front office with only 13.26 exiting out of a total 102 work force which represents 13 % of the total workforce in the front office job. The percentage exit in maintenance and guest house is the same with only 15% exiting out of their total workforce.


Forecast availabilities of staff for these jobs for next year (again assume that the work force will remain the same)


The forecasts for the availability of staff for the job next year:

Housekeeping job

If the percentage that exited is 55% this year we assume another 55% will exit the following year then it implies the number that will be present will be (0.45*72) 32.4

Maintenance job- for this job the exit percentage is 13%. With such a trend the following year another 15% exit implying that the remaining workforce will be (0.85*93.5) 79.48 jobs

Front Desk job

Assuming that 13 % exit by next year the available staff will be (0.87*88.74) 77.2 staff members

Guest Service job

If a similar 15 5 exit then the following year we will have a total of (0.85*83.3) 70.81staff remaining.


Identify the gaps (shortages and surpluses) for each job


The gaps for the jobs above will be

House keeping 160 are required and then 72 are recruited while 88 leave the job; this implies that there is a shortage of 16 workers since the total number of housekeepers is 72 but 88 exits leaving 0 workers hence a shortage of 160 workers

Maintenance job has a requirement of 110 and then the total number recruited is 138.5 and the exit number is 16.5 which leave a surplus of 12 workers.

Front office job has a requirement of 102 workers and a total of 88.64 are recruited which means 88.64 are present but the exit number is 13.26 workers hence a deficit of 26.52 exists.

Guest house job the total requirement is 98workers while the total recruited is 83.3 workers while the total exit is 14.7 hence the deficit is 29.4workers.


Discuss the limitations of this analysis for planning next years staffing activities.


The limitations of this type of planning are that it is tedious and involving to determine the exit and the possible recruitment. Besides, it is not easy to approximate the next year’s exit or recruitment due to uncertainty in economic environment that might affect the rate of exit and hiring for the organization.


Your boss has no background in staffing and she has asked you to help her understand the following information about 3 predictors (interview, personality test and work sample) that you are thinking about using to hire sales people at your company:

Unstructured interview scores and job performance: r=0.11 p= 0.56

Personality test scores and job performance: r= 0.35,p<0.01**

Work sample test scores and job performance: r=0.30, p<0.05

Interview scores and absenteeism: r= 0.30, p< 0.01**

Personality scores and absenteeism: r= -0.1 P<0.01**

Work sample test scores and absenteeism: r= -0.18 p=0.06

A )Your boss is totally confused about p-values. Explain to her in 1-2 sentences what the p-values means.


The p-values show the probability between the events occurrence in the observed phenomenon and their statistical significance levels’


Based on statistical significance and then practical significance, which predictor is the best to use for predicting job performance? Explain


The best predictor is the practical significance which may be based on interaction of real factors that determine job performance some factors may be either positive or negative. As for statistical significance it is based on mere speculation, calculations and guess work which might be true or not. Hence correlation coefficient will be used to determine the variance in factors related to the job and thereby making decisions. Interpretation may be ineffective for layman manager..


Based on the statistical significance and then practical significance, which predictor I the best to use for predicting absenteeism? Explain


The best predictor for absenteeism is the practical significance which is based on real observations and experience. For the statistical significance, it is only based on calculations and probabilities which might have various errors that can contribute to poor results.



Assume that you work as an HR manager in a call center for a clothing catalogue company (e.g., LL Bean).  Your company is responsible for fielding calls from customers who wish to place orders, as well as from customers who wish to complain about merchandise, shipping, etc. despite the shaky economy, the absenteeism rate among the Customer Service Representative (CSR) is high. Your boss is clueless about criterion-related validity, but he has just returned from SHRM conference in which the presentation was about concurrent and predictive criterion-related studies. He has asked you to help him better understand how these different forms of criterion related validity work. Assume he wants you to examine the validity of an integrity test in predicting CSR absenteeism from work.

a)   Discuss your plan for conducting a concurrent criterion-related study for this situation. Assume that you have 150 CSRs employed at the call center.


In evaluating the integrity tests, first of all the honesty and moral traits of the applicant will be analyzed. Factors to use in connecting integrity will be counterproductive behaviors such as absenteeism, sabotage, violence, theft among others. By use of cognitive ability test validity will be enhanced. The elements to consider in conducting such a test will include validity, which can be determined by administration method through paper or electronic and subgroup scores which will enable the HR to note the difference in applicants’ personality based integrity (Cullen and Sackett, 2004). From the subgroup say of 15 I will be able to determine the integrity level of all the subjects/employees. This will be in a 10 groups which will be easy to administer and less expensive.


 Given that your boss is clueless on validity; it is your job to educate him about this study. Based on the above scenario, discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of choosing this type of study over the predictive criterion-related study


One main advantage of using this method is that this is a very cheap method of testing the applicants as the development costs are too low and that it does not require high skills for the administrators to conduct such a test. Besides, there high investment returns where counterproductive conducts are involved which can help avoid them since they are very caustic to the organization. The main disadvantage is that the tests may not contain important elements required for the job hence the probability of recruiting incompetent personnel is high. This might be very harmful to the organization.





Cullen, M. J., & Sackett, P. R (2004), integrity testing in the work place, In J.C. Thomas & M

Hersen (Eds.), comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment, volume $; industrial and organizational psychology (pp.149-165), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & sons.





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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Topics/Questions:• Provide brief but cogent answers to the questions in essay format.
1. Describe Medicare. Discuss its four parts. Identify who is eligible, what is covered, and what are the coverage gaps.
2. Describe Medicaid. Discuss the difference between Medicaid and Medicare when it comes to our society’s elderly and disabled population.
3. The Affordable Care Act is the current driver for healthcare reform in the US. Explore the website http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/timeline/index.html to review key features of the ACA by year. Describe the key features of the ACA for 2014.
4. ACOs and PCMHs are two innovative practice models whose growths have been accelerated by the passage of the ACA.
a. Describe each model.
b. Discuss nursing’s role in ACOs.
5. Discuss the purpose of the Affordable Care Act Nurse Managed Health Clinics (ACA NMHC) funding opportunity and the goals of NMHCs.
6. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) developed the HCAHPS.
a. What does the acronym HCAHPS mean?
b. Describe the HCAHPS and list its three broad survey goals.
7. Certain members of our society live in a state of vulnerability. Strategies have been developed to improve the health of such vulnerable populations through political advocacy and legislation.
a. Although it is difficult to list all populations that can be considered vulnerable, list at least four.
b. Discuss the determinants of health that may be considered as potential facilitators of vulnerability as described by Nickitas et al. (2016).
8. Discuss the five (5) segments of population health status as described by Nash et al. and provide an example for each.
9. Tobacco Use (TU) is one of the Topics & Objectives of Healthy People 2020. Describe Objective TU 4-1 in terms of baseline data, target, target-setting method, and data sources. www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default
10. This item relates to the Millennial Development Goals (MDGs).
a. List the eight (8) 2015 Millennial Development Goals (MDGs) set by the United Nations
b. Select two and discuss their progress and future directions.
11. Clear communication to the public is an important component of healthcare delivery.
a. Discuss the Plain Writing Act of 2010 http://www.plainlanguage.gov/
b. Provide two (2) examples of how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses plain language in public documents.
12. The IOM, in its report on Health Professions Education (HPE), has provided compelling evidence that our current approach to educating health professionals falls woefully short of preparing individuals to address the central needs of a health care workforce in a transformed delivery system (Nash et al., 2nd ed., 2016, p. 61). The IOM proposes a set of five (5) core competencies for all clinicians (ie, including Nurse Practitioners) so that they can be prepared to meet the needs of the 21st century healthcare system.
a. List these core competencies.
b. Describe two (2) of these in terms of their definitions and examples of deficiencies.
13. Use the letter from CMS found in https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD10/Downloads/MedicareProviderICD-10.pdf
to answer this scenario:
Assume that you are now a newly credentialed NP and working with your protocol doctor whose knowledge about ICD-10 is minimal. You receive the letter from Medicare (retrieve it from the link provided here) and in your desire to educate him/her, you SUMMARIZE the contents of the letter in easy-to-read, bulleted format that he/she read in 60-seconds. Write your bulleted summary here.
14. Reflect upon your personal thoughts about your role as a healthcare advocate. Think back about how you defined and perceived healthcare advocacy when you were a novice nurse; then think about the present. How has it changed? Then think about the future. Reflect upon how your advanced education/practice is re-shaping your role as a healthcare advocate.

Please use these References
Nash, D.B, Reifsnyder, J., Fabius, R.J & Pracilio, V.P. (2015). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Nickitas, D.M., Middaugh, D.J & Aries, N. (2014). Policy and politics for nurses and other health professionals: Advocacy and action. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Porche, D.J. (2012). Health policy: Application for nurses and other healthcare professionals.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett

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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Topics/Questions:• Provide brief but cogent answers to the questions in essay format.
1. Describe Medicare. Discuss its four parts. Identify who is eligible, what is covered, and what are the coverage gaps.
2. Describe Medicaid. Discuss the difference between Medicaid and Medicare when it comes to our society’s elderly and disabled population.
3. The Affordable Care Act is the current driver for healthcare reform in the US. Explore the website http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/timeline/index.html to review key features of the ACA by year. Describe the key features of the ACA for 2014.
4. ACOs and PCMHs are two innovative practice models whose growths have been accelerated by the passage of the ACA.
a. Describe each model.
b. Discuss nursing’s role in ACOs.
5. Discuss the purpose of the Affordable Care Act Nurse Managed Health Clinics (ACA NMHC) funding opportunity and the goals of NMHCs.
6. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) developed the HCAHPS.
a. What does the acronym HCAHPS mean?
b. Describe the HCAHPS and list its three broad survey goals.
7. Certain members of our society live in a state of vulnerability. Strategies have been developed to improve the health of such vulnerable populations through political advocacy and legislation.
a. Although it is difficult to list all populations that can be considered vulnerable, list at least four.
b. Discuss the determinants of health that may be considered as potential facilitators of vulnerability as described by Nickitas et al. (2016).
8. Discuss the five (5) segments of population health status as described by Nash et al. and provide an example for each.
9. Tobacco Use (TU) is one of the Topics & Objectives of Healthy People 2020. Describe Objective TU 4-1 in terms of baseline data, target, target-setting method, and data sources. www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default
10. This item relates to the Millennial Development Goals (MDGs).
a. List the eight (8) 2015 Millennial Development Goals (MDGs) set by the United Nations
b. Select two and discuss their progress and future directions.
11. Clear communication to the public is an important component of healthcare delivery.
a. Discuss the Plain Writing Act of 2010 http://www.plainlanguage.gov/
b. Provide two (2) examples of how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses plain language in public documents.
12. The IOM, in its report on Health Professions Education (HPE), has provided compelling evidence that our current approach to educating health professionals falls woefully short of preparing individuals to address the central needs of a health care workforce in a transformed delivery system (Nash et al., 2nd ed., 2016, p. 61). The IOM proposes a set of five (5) core competencies for all clinicians (ie, including Nurse Practitioners) so that they can be prepared to meet the needs of the 21st century healthcare system.
a. List these core competencies.
b. Describe two (2) of these in terms of their definitions and examples of deficiencies.
13. Use the letter from CMS found in https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD10/Downloads/MedicareProviderICD-10.pdf
to answer this scenario:
Assume that you are now a newly credentialed NP and working with your protocol doctor whose knowledge about ICD-10 is minimal. You receive the letter from Medicare (retrieve it from the link provided here) and in your desire to educate him/her, you SUMMARIZE the contents of the letter in easy-to-read, bulleted format that he/she read in 60-seconds. Write your bulleted summary here.
14. Reflect upon your personal thoughts about your role as a healthcare advocate. Think back about how you defined and perceived healthcare advocacy when you were a novice nurse; then think about the present. How has it changed? Then think about the future. Reflect upon how your advanced education/practice is re-shaping your role as a healthcare advocate.

Please use these References
Nash, D.B, Reifsnyder, J., Fabius, R.J & Pracilio, V.P. (2015). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Nickitas, D.M., Middaugh, D.J & Aries, N. (2014). Policy and politics for nurses and other health professionals: Advocacy and action. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Porche, D.J. (2012). Health policy: Application for nurses and other healthcare professionals.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett

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