Order Description
1. Select 5 Learning Centers in a classroom and develop a list of materials that are anti-bias for each of the centers. As teachers, we should avoid stereotypes in centers and present children with positive role models so that children are surrounded by a biasfree and stereotype-free environment where healthy choices and diversity are celebrated.
2. List a minimum of 5 tools for assessing a child’s progress. Write a brief summary for each describing how the assessment is administered and what the tool assesses
3. Develop a directory, which includes local or state resources available for screening, assessing, and referral of children to needed services. (Minimum of 5) Include the name of the agency, address, phone number, and synopsis of the service the agency provides.
Local: Broward or Miami-Dade County Florida
State: Florida
Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System- FDLRS (BCPS)
600 SE Third Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Child Find assures that all children, ages 0 through 21, who have disabilities or special needs receive a free appropriate education. Child Find is the entry point for ESE services for birth-to-five-year-old children and their families in Broward County assists in locating, identifying, and obtaining services. Children’s Registry and Information System (CHRIS) is used for tracking and service coordination.
FDLRS / Child Find promotes public awareness of services for children and youth who have disabilities and screens children and youth to determine if they need to be formally evaluated. Specialist offers coordination, training, and support to assist service providers in evaluating children and youth. The goal of Child find is to assure that all children, 0 through 21, who need special education and related services, receive a free appropriate education. Child Find is the entry point for ESE services for birth-to-five-year old children and their families in Broward County.