Think about all the money it costs to educate a person. Start with pre-school, the elementary and secondary years, and then consider right up through college and, for
some, grad school. Now that you have a cost in mind, discuss the costs and the benefits.
Please respond to all of the following prompts:
• Public education is a good that has helped millions and millions of Americans become successful, productive members of society. Would the average person be
able to go to school if the Government did not provide for this good, or would only the very rich be well educated and successful? Calculate how much it would cost you
from K-12th if a tuition was implemented. Look at local private schools in your city to see how much a family pays per year for both primary and secondary education
then take the average of the tuition. Think of the year you started kindergarten then start adding up the cost of tuition per year until the year you graduated high
school. Make sure you take into account inflation in your calculation!
• Now look at your first year of kindergarten and your last year of high school. Create an index similar to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) that includes the
basic goods that a resident typically consumes: tuition (that you calculated), average home value, average vehicle value, a gallon of milk, a gallon of gasoline, a
dozen eggs, a loaf of bread, and a postage stamp. How much did inflation rise from your first year of kindergarten to your last year of high school?
Paper analysis must include the calculations of the tuition for K-12th and the index for the inflation rate.