For this paper, you will be assessing the state of the current US economy. For that analysis, you will need to include the unemployment rate, inflation rate, where we are in the business cycle, and at least four other measures(as discussed when this assignment was handed out) related to topics that you wish to include. The first three measuresmust come from a government source (a website with “.gov”). However, for the other measures you include, you may also useother reputable sources(trade groups, for example) in addition to your government sources.Note: I am not asking about how the economy is expected to perform in the future, buthow well it is performing now.Clearly indicateyourconclusion of how well the economy is currently performing, backed up by your research.Do you think that the perception of the general population regarding the economy matches your analysis? Why or why not? This part of the paper is YOUR opinion.Papers should be 4-6pages in length. Use a standard 12-pointfont and 1” margins, double-space, number your pages of text, and staple your pages together. Carefully attend to the writing mechanics of grammar, sentence structure, spelling, paragraphing, etc