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Does cannabis influence memory? A meta analysis study.

: Does cannabis influence memory? A meta analysis study.Your report will be assessed on the basis of the following:
• Abstract: This should have a fluent, concise summary of the research with detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, methods employed and key findings.
• Introduction: This should include consideration of published data. Understanding and insight into the work should be clearly demonstrated. All citations in text must be present in the list of references and all major statements must be referenced.
• Methods: The experimental section should be clear and the student should demonstrate the awareness of relevant methodology.
• Results: This will be assessed on the basis of the quality and interpretation of experimental, or other research data. All calculations (where used) must be correct, appropriate units used, no undue accuracy claimed, all diagrams, tables and figures should have titles/legends. Statistical methods should be used where appropriate.
• Discussion: Critical evaluation of all key data must be present. Student should demonstrate the ability to compare/relate the results to the current state of knowledge within the field. Student should show the awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed.
• The report will also be assessed on the clarity of language, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Assessment criteria for the final report
Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory
Assessment Area 70-100% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 35-39% <35%
Academic writing and presentation Clarity of expression excellent, consistently accurate use of grammar and spelling with fluent professional/academic writing style. No fault can be found with the adherence to the required journal style other than very minor errors. Accurately referenced where appropriate. Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar and spelling accurate and language fluent. Very good adherence to the required journal style. Accurately referenced where appropriate. Language mainly fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Communication of thoughts and ideas beginning to be affected. Good adherence to the required journal style. Accurately referenced where appropriate with only minor omissions. Meaning apparent in most instances, but language not always fluent, with some grammatical and spelling errors. Some attempt has been made to adhere to the required journal style. Referenced where appropriate, although there may be some errors/omissions. Ambiguous or bad writing leading to meaning being barely apparent. Language, grammar and spelling poor. A poor attempt has been made to adhere to the required journal style. Some references are omitted, and there may be significant errors in their detailing. Ambiguous or bad writing making meaning incoherent. Exhibits a poor use of English. Does not conform to the required journal style. Appropriate references absent, and there may be significant errors in their detailing.
Abstract A fluent, concise summary of the research project. Excellent detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, the method(s) employed and key findings. A clear, concise summary of the research project showing meritorious detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, the method(s) employed and key findings. A concise summary of the research project showing detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, the method(s) employed and key findings. An adequate summary of the research project showing sufficient detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, the method(s) employed and key findings.. Some elements may be missing. An inadequate summary of the research project, with only very basic detail in terms of defining the context and aim of the study, the method(s) employed and key findings. There may be errors or omissions. A very poor summary of the project which contains major omissions.
Introduction An excellent account which demonstrates a critical awareness of the current state of the field. Uses this critical awareness to accurately establish the context of the project. A meritorious account that demonstrates a highly commendable awareness of the current state of the field. Uses this awareness to accurately establish the context of the project. A good account that demonstrates a good awareness of the current state of the field. Uses this awareness to establish the context of the project. An adequate account that demonstrates an awareness of the current state of the field. Uses this awareness to establish the context of the project. A weak account that demonstrates a limited awareness of the current state of the field which consequently does not establish the context for the project adequately. A poor account that demonstrates little or no awareness of the current state of knowledge within the field. Does not attempt to establish the context of the project
Methods Demonstrates an outstanding awareness of relevant methodology and its application, and shows good evidence of making an appropriate choice in terms of the methods selected. Demonstrates a meritorious awareness of relevant methodology and its application, and shows evidence of making an appropriate choice in terms of the methods selected. Demonstrates a good awareness of relevant methodology and its application, and shows some evidence of making an appropriate choice in terms of the methods selected. Demonstrates acceptable awareness of relevant methodology and its application, and shows some evidence of making an appropriate choice in terms of the methods selected. Demonstrates limited awareness of relevant methodology and its application, and shows little or no evidence of making an appropriate choice in terms of the methods selected. Demonstrates a very limited awareness of the relevant methodology and its application. Shows no evidence of making an informed choice in terms of the methods adopted.
Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory
Assessment Area 70-100% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 35-39% <35%
Results Excellent presentation of results in the most appropriate format for the data. Robust and detailed analysis of the data, with excellent application of analytical methods and statistical analysis where appropriate. All figures/tables are accompanied by full, publication standard legends and are clearly explained and cross-referenced within the text. If appendices are used, these are highly relevant and are presented to the same standard observed in the main results section. Meritorious presentation of results in a highly appropriate format for the data. Robust analysis of the data, with highly commendable application of analytical methods and statistical analysis where appropriate. Most figures/tables are accompanied by full, publication standard legends and are clearly explained and cross-referenced within the text. If appendices are used, these are highly relevant and are presented to the same standard observed in the main results section. Good presentation of results in an appropriate format for the data. Good analysis of the data, with commendable application of analytical methods and statistical analysis where appropriate. Most figures/tables are accompanied by full legends and are clearly explained and cross-referenced within the text. If appendices are used, these are relevant and are presented to the same standard observed in the main results section.
Results are presented in an appropriate format for the data. Adequate analysis of the data, with acceptable application of analytical methods and statistical analysis where appropriate. Most figures / tables are accompanied by legends, although there may be significant errors/omissions within these, and are explained and cross-referenced within the text. If appendices are used, these are relevant and are presented to the same standard observed in the main results section Presentation of results in an inappropriate format for the data. Analytical methods and appropriate statistical analysis may be lacking, or contain significant errors. Figure / table legends are weak, and figures / tables are poorly cross-referenced with the text. Appendices, if used, may not be appropriate.
Poor representation of results, both in terms of presentation, and data analysis. Legends are absent, and figures/tables are poorly cross-referenced with the text. Numerous errors in interpretation, or the absence of results text.

Discussion An outstanding discussion of all the key data, that takes into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies employed.
By consideration of appropriate references alongside the results, demonstrates a critical awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field. Shows excellent awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed. Meritorious discussion of all the key data, that takes into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies employed. By consideration of appropriate references alongside the results, demonstrates a highly commendable awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field. Shows very good awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed. Good discussion of all the key data, that takes into account most of the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies employed. By consideration of some of the appropriate references alongside the results, demonstrates a good awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field. Shows good awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed. Acceptable discussion of key data, that takes into account some of the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies employed. By consideration of some of the appropriate references alongside the results, demonstrates a awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field. Shows some awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed Little discussion of key data, that shows only limited awareness of the strengths and the weaknesses of the methodologies employed. Few references are considered alongside the results, and only a limited awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field is demonstrated. Shows limited awareness of how the work contained within the project may be further developed. Unable to identify the key findings, suggesting little or no critical awareness of the significance of the data. No significant consideration of the strengths and weakness of the methodologies employed. Shows little or no awareness of how the data relates to the current state of knowledge within the field.

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