(8-10 pages, double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman).
Choose one essay question from the hand out provided in class, or formulate your own essay question.
You must use at least three academic sources, meaning books and journal articles.
Follow the Chicago Manual of Style for referencing and use either in-text bracketing, endnotes, or footnotes. Also include a complete bibliography.
The page number requirements are strict and marks will be deducted for work less than 8 full pages, excluding title page and bibliography.
Use the instructor’s lecture notes as personal reference only. They should not be used as a cited source for your paper.
Marking Scheme
-Pertinent and clearly stated thesis in introduction /5
-Coherent, cohesive, and pertinent argumentation in defence
of the thesis thoroughout the body of the paper
-clear/rational progression of argument /5
-Accurate, complete, comprehensive, critical use of key concepts /10
-evidence of solid research of the chosen topic and a rigourous
engagement with research source(s)
-respect of paper length requirement
Clear style (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling) /2.5
Formatting and referencing
-follow the format/presentation requirements (font, spacing, etc.)
-properly and thoroughly cite your sources according to Chicago Style
-complete bibliography /2.5
Total /25