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Developmental psychology

Analysis and Application Paper Instructions

To successfully complete this assignment, you will:

· Analyze 3 scenarios (based on actual events) and identify developmental characteristics of a child aged 2–6 that are evident in the behavior of the children described.

· Apply knowledge from the field of developmental psychology to provide a basis for the legal system’s determination that children should not be held responsible for crimes committed.

· Present this information in a professional manner, implementing current APA guidelines for style and formatting.

Scenario One:

One day at school in a small town in Michigan, two children had a disagreement on the playground. This was not an unusual occurrence as anyone who has spent time with six-year olds can attest. However, the next day a terrible tragedy resulted. While the teacher led the class through the hall to the computer lab, one of the children pulled a loaded pistol from his backpack, pointed it at his classmate shouting, “I don’t like you,” and then shot her. She died soon after at the hospital.

Scenario Two:

Six-year-old Michael and Bill* lived in the hills of Kentucky. One day, Michael found some scrap metal that he hoped to sell for a few cents. When Bill (who was older) slapped Michael and took the metal for himself, Michael ran home, took his father’s shotgun down from the wall, then went outside and shot his playmate dead. *Not their real names.

Scenario Three:

In a hot, overcrowded apartment in Kansas City, a sixteen-year old girl fell asleep while baby-sitting several young children. She did not awaken when an 18-month old boy in her charge began to cry. When a six-year old girl grew tired of listening to him, she took the younger child to the bathtub, and held him under water until he died.

Each of these stories represents a tragic and senseless loss of life. While an adult in any of these circumstances would certainly have been charged with first-degree murder, none of the children described were punished because standards within our legal system indicate that young children cannot be held responsible for crimes such as these.

For this assignment, imagine that you are a developmental psychologist asked to defend this policy. Your arguments must describe developmental characteristics found in children at this age. You will apply concepts and theories used in developmental psychology to explain why our legal system is justified in ruling that young children are not responsible for criminal actions. Use only information provided in this document and in our textbook. Do not make assumptions about home life, parenting, environment, etc.

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Developmental psychology

Order DescriptionReflective Essay

1500 words
a) discuss supports and challenges to health and wellbeing at various stages of the life span

b) discuss the psychological implications of physical and cognitive changes that occur with maturation and ageing

c) identify and critically evaluate attachment and socio-emotional theories of development and apply to case presentations

Note from educator – “The purpose of a reflective essay is to reflect on personal experiences and use these experiences to explore theoretical concepts. Some essays will require reflection on your application of skills in client sessions or practice sessions.”

Please stick to +/- 10% of the wordcount of 1,500. Use turnitin to upload draft papers as many times as you can to ensure that the similarity % and referencing in your paper is sound.


The purpose of this Reflective Essay is to demonstrate the understanding of two developmental theories in relation to significant developmental events in the adult life of the student.

Note from educator –

Note here the requirement is to reflect on events in your ADULT life using TWO different theories.

Write a reflective essay applying two developmental theories to significant aspects and stages of your own adult lives. Analyse these selected developmental events through the lenses of two developmental theories presented in this unit, supporting the analysis with relevant references.
Some developmental theorists recommended for use in this assignment are:

? Erik Erikson

? Jean Piaget

? Ivan Pavlov

? John B. Watson

? Burrhus Frederic Skinner

? Albert Bandura

? Lev Vygotsky

? Urie Bronfenbrenner

? Gilbert Gottlieb

? John Bowlby

? Mary D. Salter Ainsworth

? Lawrence Kohlberg

? James Marcia

? Dexter Dunphy

? Kim Bartholomew

? Antonia Henderson

? Donald Dutton

? Robert Sternberg

? Howard Gardner

? Betty Carter

? Monica McGoldrick

? Sandra Bem

? Leslie Gutman

? Colin Murray Parkes

The Reflective Essay will need to include:

? Identifying the chosen significant developmental aspects and stages of your adult life

Note from educator – Summarise lifespan development with particular relation to the adult stage that you will discuss

? Identification of key aspects of each of the two major developmental theories

Note from educator – Pick two and clearly articulate the key elements of the theoretical approach

? Analysis of the chosen developmental events with reference to two major developmental theories

Note from educator – Outline clearly each event you wish to use and discuss how each theoretical approach you have chosen provides a perspective on the events

? Reflection on your personal responses and experiences in relation to these significant developmental aspects and stages

Note from educator – Discuss you own personal reflections on each event and how / if it relates to staged development and the theories chosen

? Reference to current literature and integration of relevant theory into your discussion

Developmental aspects that could be included;

Exploring the Lifespan

Physical Development and Psychoanalytic Theories of Development

Behavioural Learning and Systems Theories of Development

Cognitive Theories of Development

Attachment and Socioemotional Theories of Development
Family Systems’ Impact on Development

Social Cognition and Moral Theories of Development

The Self and Personality Theories of Development
Gender-Role and Sexuality Theories of Development
Theories of Intelligence and Creativity
Theories of Ageing, Grief, Death and Dying
Applications over the Lifespan
Marking Criteria – Reflective Essay


1. Identifying the chosen significant developmental aspects and stages of your adult life

2. Identification of key aspects of each of the two major developmental theories

3. Analysis of the chosen developmental events with reference to two major developmental theories

4. Reflection on your personal responses and experiences in relation to these significant developmental aspects and stages

5. Reference to current literature and integration of relevant theory into your discussion

Structure, Presentation and Referencing

1. Main ideas clearly and logically presented

2. Relevant research and scholarship literature used appropriately to support claims

3. Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation

4. Both first and third person writing style is to applied where relevant

5. In-text referencing and reference list follows APA referencing style (6th ed.) as set out in the APA website: https://www.apastyle.org/

6. Word count is within + or – 10% of requirement

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