Understanding and identifying developmental milestones during the Toddler and Preschool years is a key goal for this course.
Your assignment is to (1) create a timeline based on the Minnesota Help Me Grow videos and website AND (2) integrate at least 4 different pieces of developmentally-relevant, research-based information (from the empirical readings or chapters that I already all upload all articles in files) into your timeline. This is equivalent to one unique integration per age (2, 3, 4, 5 years). You may also include the applied weblink articles, but they do not count towards your required 4.
MHMG uses four different content areas to discuss developmental milestones: Motor, Cognitive, Social and Emotional, Language and Communication. Avoid simply copying and pasting the milestones from the MHMGwebsite. Thoroughly watch the videos, take notes on each age( I watched it and wrote the notes on the bottom of the guidelines document already), reflect on the course readings( uploaded all to the files already) to see where they provide important extensions for the milestone information, and then put them together on paper.