1. Prepare a 2 page Case Study. 2. Select an airport (Albany, NY; Anchorage, AK; New Bern, NC; McKinney, TX; Bloomington, IN; New Bedford, MA; or Tampa, FL) from Appendix A of the ACRP Report 47: Guidebook for Developing and Leasing Property found at http://www.trb.org/Publications/Blurbs/164688.aspx 3. Research, evaluate, and write a case study about the airport you choose. 4. Use APA formatting. This includes a title page, header, restatement of the title on the top line above the introductory paragraph, and a reference page. All in-text and reference citations must comply with current APA standards. **** Use Appendix A of the ACRP Report 47: Guidebook for Developing and Leasing Property as one of the references **** For the other 2 sources be sure to list the online references so the sources can be validated
Developing and Leasing Property
August 8th, 2017 admin