1.Identify the research question(s) addressed by the study.
2. Outline the theoretical framework underpinning the study.
3. Describe the research design and methods of data collection and analysis used
by the authors to investigate the question.
4. Summarize the results of the study and assess the author(s)? contribution to
5. Critically examine the study. Here you may consider the following issues:
a. Are the research questions interesting, original, and significant?
b. Could there be other ways to explore the research questions?
c. Did the study results help to answer the question?
d. What are the limitations of the study? (When considering the limitations,
please, do not rehearse the limitations already noted by the author(s) in
the article. You should try to identify other limitations, from your point
of view.)
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliogaphy