the readings that out to be criticized: THEY ARE THE MAIN READINGS
-Karl, Terry Lynn. 2000. “Economic Inequality and Democratic Instability.” Journal of Democracy.
Vol. 11, No. 1, pg. 149-156.
-Houle, Christian. 2009. “Inequality and Democracy: Why Inequality Harms Consolidation but Does
Not Affect Democratization,” in World Politics, Vol. 61, pp. 589-622.
the readings that would criticize the main readings are:
the way to do the paper have one section on summary and a separate section on criticism for each reading. Intros and conclusions are standard and have a thesis statement , Do not forgot that!
a paper that criticizes them.
-The paper should be 3,000 words in length.
-The critique presented in this paper should be based on readings from academic sources outside those seen in class.
-The critical paper should also present the main research questions, hypotheses, as well as the evidence used to perform the analysis. However, this summary should not constitute more than a few paragraphs.