1. Briefly summarize the article. This article relates to the Business Ethics Now book chapters..
2. Tell me what you thought about the article-agree/disagree and support your opinion with material from the text.
3. How does the article relate to you personally? Discuss how it applies to your life.
Your response should be thoughtful and must include application from the course material – rather, pull content from the text book and incorporate it into your article assignments. This will be your opportunity to demonstrate how to apply what you have learned in the course.
Each article should be a minimum of 4 pages.
Formatting for All Assignments
Include separate Title Page including: assignment name, full name, due date•
Include separate reference page•
Style will follo•w APA, 6th edition guidelines
Includes double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font only!•
Includes 1 inch margins on all sides•
Appropriate Academic Grammar, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation will be important. PROOFREAD!•
Document must be uploaded to Blackboard as MSWord (.doc or .docx) file or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. APA style reference and citations for the article. APA 6TH ED.•
Use: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ or use the APA (Revised ) 6th edition manual.•
It has to be APA 6th edition format.
Creating an Ethical Culture
July 7th, 2016