In this milestone, due as part of Module Four, you will submit a draft of one critical element of your final project: Create species detection line graphs for each
study region based on MacKinnon data from bird_data.xls. See the instructions in MacKinnon_data_instructions.pdf.
For Milestone Two, create species detection line graphs for each study region based on MacKinnon data from bird_data.xls. See MacKinnon_data_instructions.pdf for instructions on how to create the graph. Give the Excel file that now contains your graphs a new name (e.g., MilestoneTwo_John_Doe.xls), and submit that file. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
create species detection line graphs for each study region based on MacKinnon data from bird_data.xls.
October 31st, 2016