Topic: Coping Strategies
Order Description
Title: Coping Strategies
Identify three Coping Strategies that you have found effective for you (either in your past or have started to use since taking this course). Use at least two outside sources to help you address the following:
A (brief) description of the three coping strategies and why you chose them? What stress symptoms/reactions are you intending to target the most in using these strategies?
What changes in your lifestyle have you/will you need to make for success in implementing these coping strategies?
Identify a future plan of action for continued use of effective stress management in your life (include activities, support systems, time management, resources needed to make your plan realistic and purposeful)?
One of the sources has to come from R. Harrington (2013) Stress, health & well-being: Thriving in the 21st Century. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Belmont, CA.