It should be single spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman. With standard 1″ margins with a cover page including title “Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler” with my name. Each page should be numbered in the bottom right except the cover page. The paper must include a thesis statement body and conclusion. Part of your conclusion must include personal opinion and analysis. You must use at least 5 sources. In terms of sources you use, at least one must be a primary source and at least two must be book sources. You cannot use Wikipedia as a source. Other acceptable sources would include materials from GALE, journals and encyclopedias (print or online). Don’t rely on 1 source. PLEASE USE A BOOK RESOURCE. PREFERABLY “A History of Western Society: Eleventh Edition” by McKay, Crowston, Wiesner-Hanks, and Perry textbook!!
Comparison of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler’s leadership styles, decisions, and similarities of two leaders. NO BIBLIOGRAPHY
May 17th, 2016