Find a “real-life” example of one of a Community Correctional Institution. Examples can be found in every state. A simple search for “Department of Corrections” is a good place to start.
Introduce your institution by identifying the following:
1) Name of the organization
2) Mission statement
3) Vision statement
4) Population served (number and demographics)
5) Examples of programs offered
6) Number of uniformed personnel and other staff members
7) Table of organization
Then develop a strategic plan:
Include in your plan the following:
1) Four (4) organizational objectives (these can be future goals over a 1 to 2 year period
2) Strategies to address each of the objectives
3) At least 1 employee and 1 inmate program that helps to achieve each objective
4) A method for assessing success for each objective
You will then present your strategic plan in a power point presentation. The final work product can include photographs, charts, graphics, or any other appropriate elements to enhance the effectiveness of your power point presentation