communicationOrder Instructions:
8 pages, double space,
– Professor asked us to use at least 6 academic resources on this assignment. Please rephrasing the most of them, do not use too many direct words. Thank you.
– All of the sources must be scholarly. Examples of scholarly resources are: peer reviewed journal articles (online or print), articles and/or chapters in scholarly books from recognized academic presses, conference proceedings, and some government documents (major book or article length reports and/or policy statements).
– Please find all the resources on our university library website
My student id is jx14sh and my password is xJ123456
-please read the assignment instructor very carefully, and I highlight some most important rules.
COMM 1F90 [FW 2015-16]: Introduction to Communication & Media Studies
Task ………Research and write a formal essay based on the topic(s) given below.
Length 1,800 to 2,500 words (approx. 6-8 full pgs) ….. excluding title page and reference page
Value 15 ……. %
Due ……….Tue., Mar. 29. [Bring hard copy to lecture, & post e-copy on Sakai].
Provide a critical analysis based on ONE of the following topics: • The effect(s) of concentrated ownership in the Canadian newspaper industry. • The value of and utility of Canadian content rules for television. • The effect(s) of digital piracy on the Canadian music industry.
Purpose of the Assignment
The Preçis focused on identifying and expressing primary and secondary arguments. The Literature
Review developed your basic research skills and ability to assess and aggregate source material. The Op-Ed
assignment honed your ability to frame and focus arguments and to develop a logical flow of argumentation. The
Research Essay is thus an opportunity to bring together all of the skills developed in the first three assignments in
the course and to prepare you for further essay assignments in future years.
Assignment Details and Suggestions
It is strongly urged that you consult the relevant sections on the writing process in Making Sense before and during
the production of your essay. Similarly, you should take advantage of your seminar leader’s office hours in order to
discuss the project with them.
The Writing Process
The choice of topic(s) provided above give you some guidance with regard to the topic area on which you
will write, but they should not be construed as constituting a thesis or even a research question. You may use the
following as a rough guide for the various stages involved in composing your essay:
1. It is up to you to formulate a specific and manageable research question and thesis in relation to the topic area
(for example: the effect of foreign content on the Canadian television industry)
2. Once you have established a research question (for example: Has music sharing via the Internet negatively
affected Canadian musicians? If so, then how? If not, then why not?).
3. With your research question in mind, you should now engage in initial research: that is, you should endeavour
to find relevant articles that address the background information, history, theories, and scholarly perspectives
that will allow you to answer this question.
4. Having read these articles, you should re-visit your research question and come up with a thesis (for example:
concentrated ownership within the Canadian newspaper industry has undermined journalistic integrity).
5. Thesis in hand, you should conduct more focused and detailed research in order to make your supporting
arguments as strong as possible.
6. Before writing the essay you should:
a. Consult the grading rubric included with these instructions in order to see what criteria will be used
to assess your essay.
b. Produce an outline of the thesis, supporting arguments, and evidence that you intend to utilize.
c. Scrutinize and revise the outline in order make sure that your arguments and evidence are
convincing, have a logical flow, are well thought out, and are clearly expressed.
7. Write the first draft of the essay following the plan laid out in the outline.
8. Put it aside for a day or two, then read it again. You may find that you have to do a bit more research and/or rewrite
significant portions in order to make your case. Do the research and re-write what you must, do not just
“let it go” because you’re tired of dealing with it. The first draft of any essay is typically dreadful.
9. Read it, revise it, read it, revise it, etc. until it’s the best damn essay in the world.
A Note Concerning Sources
It is entirely appropriate to use magazine, newspaper, and short academic articles for this assignment, however,
these kinds of sources should be utilized as evidence that support well reasoned arguments rather than as primary
critical analytical sources for your arguments. Your critical analytical material (arguments, theories, histories)
should come from scholarly resources of the type required for the Literature Review.
Information Concerning Formatting and Submission
• Your essay should contain a properly formatted title page and bibliography page (correctly formatted in APA
style). Proper citation and bibliographic APA style is provided in Making Sense. • standard typographic guidelines: word processed or typed, 1″ margins all around, 12pt font, double spaced,
standard serif font (Times, Courier, Garamond, Palatino, Baskerville, etc.). • Standard title page formatting is as follows:
o top of page: course number & name (COMM1F90: Intro to Communication and Media Studies)
o middle of page: assignment title (please think of an appropriate title that describes the work rather
than simply using “Essay Assignment”)
o between middle and bottom: Student name, Seminar Leader’s name, Seminar number, & date of
• Come to the Tue. Mar. 29nd lecture with a hard copy of your essay. If you submit it after the lecture it
will be considered late (unless a legitimate reason and appropriate documentation is provided).
• Submit your paper directly to your seminar leader and sign the sign-in sheet. Do not have anyone but
yourself submit (and sign for) the assignment submission.
• If you miss the lecture for a legitimate reason, immediately notify your seminar. You will be asked to
provide documentation detailing the reason for your absence. If the reason and documentation is
acceptable, then you will be allowed to submit the essay without a late penalty.
• Submit the e-copy of the paper to Sakai/ before submitting it in the lecture. If you wish
to opt out of submitting it to, you must notify your seminar leader immediately in order to
prepare alternative plagiarism detection measures.
COMM 1F90 [FW 2015-16]: Introduction to Communication & Media Studies
Grading Rubric
7-9: The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.
Clear evidence of analysis and synthesis of course concepts.
4-6: The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned
in the course. Analysis and synthesis of key course concepts are limited.
1-3: The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned
in the course. Analysis and synthesis of key course concepts are very limited or absent.
7-9: In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections.
4-6: In-depth discussion & elaboration in most sections.
1-3: Cursory discussion with little elaboration in most/all sections.
7-9: Thesis statement is clearly presented in the introduction. Subsequent sections have clear arguments and
appropriate evidence.
4-6: Thesis is presented but lacks clarity. Subsequent sections have loosely connected arguments that lack
clarity and/or evidence.
1-3: No obvious thesis statement. Subsequent sections have loose thematic connections rather than
7-9: Ties together information from all/most sources and demonstrates an understanding of the relationship
among key ideas/concepts/issues.
4-6: For the most part, ties together information from all/most sources but is disjointed and/or demonstrates a
limited understanding of the relationship among key ideas/concepts/issues.
1-3: Sometimes ties together information from sources but is very disjointed and does not demonstrate an
understanding of the relationship among key ideas/concepts/issues.
5-6: Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
3-4: Numerous spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
1-2: Unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
5-6: Cites all material obtained from sources. APA citation style is free of errors.
3-4: Cites most material obtained from sources. APA citation style is mostly free of errors.
1-2: Cites some material obtained from sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect.
2: More than 6 scholarly sources.
1: 6 scholarly sources.
0: Fewer than 6 scholarly sources.
TOTAL: /50