Club (David Fincher,1999). How muc do the two models differ? Is one ultimately victorious? If so, why? {FILM TEX S]
Demonstrated understanding of relevant gender and film concepts;
Effective use of at least five secondary sources, including at least two identified through
independent research;
-Accurate and comprehensive referencing in the MLA style (in-text references and Works Cited
a e; lC%eg:r essay
structure: introduction, conclusion, paragraphs organised to maximise unity and
High standard of written expression:
sentence construction, grammar, punctuation, spelling.
Neat presentation: title page, double spacing, page numbers.
Below are some references you can include along with furtherworks you cite:
Beynon, John. Masculinities and the Notion of Crisis. Masculinities and
Culture. Philadelphia: University Press,2002. 75-97. Print.
Giroux, Henry A. Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club,
Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculine fiolence. Public Spaces, Private Liv es: Beyond the Culture of Cynicism. Lanham: Rowman 8.
Littlefield , 2001 . 61-73. Print.
Neale, Steve. Masculinity as Spectacle.The Sexual Subject: AScreen Reader in Sexuality. London; New
York: Routledge, 1992. 277-287. Print.