Clinica Campesina
Clinica Campesina is a healthcare provider for lower income families and persons located in Boulder county and Adams county. Clinica Campesina has 5 clinics around those counties, and 1 administration building. To be qualified for healthcare from a Clinica Campesina facility an individual or family must be 200% or below the poverty line regardless of legality or not and between all the clinics, treats around 42,000 people. With roughly 350 employees and a budget of 28 million, it qualifies as a slightly larger budget than comparable healthcare providers.
Problems within organization:
Matrix Management: Often, employees will have 2 supervisors to report to and can create confusion and disconnect.
Disconnect: Having 5 separate clinics and only 1 administration building creates much disconnect between not only the 5 clinics but also the administration building and those 5 clinics.
Payment Structure: Payment structure is different for those that work at administration building and those at the clinics, creates and unfair work policy.
Recruitment Process: All resumes go through one person at the admin building, this creates a bogged down process as well as not every resume is seen with this design.
On boarding Process (training): Training of the support staff (medical assistants, office technicians, etc) are all different processes between the 5 different clinics. This creats problems when the support staff gets transferred or needs to help at a different clinic. There is no uniform training process within the 5 clinics or the administration building.