Paper title: Civil Disobedience
Academic level: Masters, MBA
Pages: 6
Source amount: 8
Subject: Philosophy
Formatting style: MLA
Type: Term paper
Details: Main Elements of Final Product You will identify a philosophical issue (see list below), philosophers who have written about that issue, and your position on the issue. You will describe the issue and the philosophers’ positions, evaluate the philosophers’ positions, and offer a defense of your position on the issue. You will then defend your choice against a likely criticism of that position. Your essay should follow APA style and include five main sections: 1. Introduction which clearly states the issue to be examined; the philosophers to be used, the general side on the issue each philosopher takes, and which clearly identifies the side the student will take. 2. Description and analysis of philosophers’ views, which describe the view of each philosopher on the issue, including their reasons for taking that view. 3. Evaluation of philosophers’ views which evaluate each philosopher’s view on the issue based on your understanding of the issue, the philosopher’s positions, and how others evaluate the philosopher’s arguments on the issue. 4. Your own position on the topic, including a rationally justifiable defense of that position. 5. Conclusion that summarizes and/or restates your position in relation to the philosopher and topic you have chosen to discuss. This resource uses Exploring Philosophy: an Introductory Anthology The topic is Civil Disobedience Please Cite Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Plato.
Civil Disobedience
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Civil disobedience
Essay 3:
Civil disobedience is the active, public conscientious, breach of the law to bring about change in law or public policy. Why must civil disobedience be non-violent? Why must people who engage in civil disobedience be willing to accept punishment? Write an essay in which you analyze how Thoreau “On Civil Disobedience,” Martin Luther King in, “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” and Claudia Rankine in Citizen address these questions. Make sure to describe rhetorical strategies employed by Thoreau, King, and Rankine. What persuasive writing techniques are used in their writing to convince readers of the justness of civil disobedience? Include in your essay response the extent to which you think each of their arguments is convincing. Conclude your essay with an extended discussion reflecting on the extent to which you think civil disobedience is still a valid approach to acquiring racial and social justice. How and why would you be willing to use this approach today and in service of what cause or causes? If you don’t think civil disobedience is an effective strategy to use now, then conclude your essay with a discussion explaining why, and illustrate with relevant current examples that show how civil disobedience would not work today. Write a coherent essay 5-7 pages in MLA format.