Business plan
Order Description
After meeting with your administrator, you have received the go-ahead to do a small-scale pilot project. However you need to provide some additional information.
First the administrator has requested a brief outline of the intervention along with the supporting evidence based literature.
You also are requested to outline your plan for getting support for your innovation which includes how you will employ Rogers’ theory of adoption of innovation (QI 105).
The administrator also requested that you identify the resources you will need to implement the project including time, staff, equipment, and supplies. Address how you will minimize additional expenses.
Finally you need to identify how you will demonstrate if your project is an improvement (QI 102). You need to identify a family of measures that include a process measure, an outcome measure and a qualitative measure. Each measure should include a description of the numerator and denominator for the measure so that everyone understands how to calculate the rate.
Your administrator is a busy person so she really wants an outline with these items and the reference list organized so that the key points are easy to find.
Paper Criteria:
1.Describes intervention based on evidence-based research literature
2.Uses theory to support the innovation and create a plan for implementation
3.Describes multiple types of resources that will be used, but shows how this will be cost neutral
4.Correctly identifies a process measure and clearly states how to calculate the rate
5.Correctly identifies an outcome measure and clearly states how to calculate the rate
6.Correctly identifies a qualitative measure and clearly states how to calculate the rate
7.Clear writing and grammar, uses appropriate APA citation style including parenthetical citation and reference list.
P.S: please Use based Evidence Articles.