Supreme Court Case Project
The Supreme Court Case Project requires writing a paper on a case that is currently facing the
United States Supreme Court for the upcoming term. They have not decided on any of these
Submit a 3000 word essay answering the questions listed below. (N
ote: If your paper is
less than 3000 words you will receive an automatic reduction in points relative to your
submission. For example, a 2000 word essay out of the required 3000 words will receive a one
third deduction in points before grading commences.)
Your answers will need to be complete,
detailed, and demonstrate writing at a college level (use spell check, grammar check, and
proofread). To submit your work, you will need to attach a file in the Dropbox on the top ribbon
in the course. If your file w
ill not open or it is unreadable, it will be marked “0”. It is your
responsibility to make sure that you submit the correct paper in the course. You may email this
work only if there is a technical problem with D2L at the time it is due with an attachment.
late work is accepted.
Do your own work. Plagiarism Detection Software is being used in the
Use APA style for all citations.
If 20% or more of your paper is from other sources, then
it is not authentic and you will receive at least a 50% reduct
ion in points if citations are correct.
If citations are not used correctly, you have plagiarized.
Purdue OWL:
Formatting and Style
Answer the questions. Write about a half page per question and number each response.
ose a case
of interest to you
from the list
below or after May 26 from the cases to be
heard at
Search the case
on the internet until your research is adequate
to write thoughtful, detailed responses using
the language of the course. Provide the history of the case.
Describe the Decision and
Reason of lower court decisions.
State at least 2 other cases that are being used to argue the current case. How will they be
used to influence the court?
Why is the US Supreme Court hearing this case in the upcoming months?
Choose a chapter in the text book that the case most directly
centers on. Integrate
minimally 10 key terms in context in discussion of any aspect of the case.
Look at the biographies and past decisions with similar cases of the current Supreme Court
Based on your research, predict how the court will decide
your case.
Write the
anticipated majority opinion for the case selected. Write the minority opinion.
Support your
How would y
ou alone rule on the case? Support your answer using the language of the
Discuss two ethical concerns in the case applying “Approaches to Ethical Reasoning” (pp. 51
54). Use the theories stated in the chapter to position your response.
What will
be the long and short term outcomes if the plaintiff wins
What will be the long and short term outcomes if the plaintiff loses?
What did you learn in this assignment? Why are you interested in this case?