reading material
answer question 3, 4 and 5 based on Deciding. Extend it to 1 pages
finished according to online here
Scale #1: Deciding
Shared Preferences: According to the scale, all of us tend to build group agreement when making decisions. We would like to share our perspectives and debate with each other till we get agreement.
Areas of Conflict: Sometimes we spent large amount of time on deciding which will be an
important topic. Its good to do it in normal time. However, when we do it under time pressure, we got trouble. Plus, if we were under a more hierarchical deciding method, we would reach a decision more quickly.
Behavioral Solutions: Change our deciding preferencing according to time. If we have more time, We solve problems by building each others agreement. If we dont have enough time, we listen to the leaders idea more. Leaders should recognize teammates ideas and make decisions soon.