Auto-ethnography of watching Korean TV dramas
Auto-ethnography of watching Korean TV dramas (choose between drama Sunggyunkwan Scandal or Tree with Deep Roots) regular fonts; 1.25 inch margins
You may discuss any of the those two TV dramas:Sunggyunkwan Scandal or Tree with Deep Roots, you may also decide to discuss the contemporary drama if you wish. However, in all cases, you are using these dramas as an entryway into exploring your own responses and ideas.
Question: How was your Korean TV drama watching experience and what does your experience say about Korean TV dramas and about Korean popular culture?
See the following link for what an autoethnography is and how to write it.
You have to use at least one of the articles I uploaded(make sure you cite it) to get an idea/use the theories to talk about the drama along with your thoughts. You need not to use all of them in your essay, but you should be informed by them.
The text book we are using is the following link, you want to use that as well: