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Assume that you are in the process of creating a start-up. Your first product is a hand-made soap bar. You are collaborating with a chemist who will help you with the composition of the actual soap m

Assume that you are in the process of creating a start-up. Your first product is a hand-made soap bar. You are collaborating with a chemist who will help you with the composition of the actual soap m

get the sources from this website http://library.acg.edu/welcome
and also must provide me with each link of the sources used in the paper. Here are the instructions given by the professor

Department of Marketing, School of Business
Module: MK2030 – Fundamentals of Marketing (Level 4)
Term: Spring Semester 2016
Type: Individual Written Project
Instructor: Dr. A.G. Patsiotis
Submission Date: March 29, 2016
Instructions for the Project

The following information details the required project (1st assessment which contributes 50% of your final grade). The project objectives, requirements and the criteria on which you will be evaluated are included in this document.

Learning Outcomes

Marketing is a key business function. It plays a pivotal role in all company types, contributing both tangible (profitability), and intangible (image) benefits. The module equips students with the necessary tools marketers use for their marketing strategies.

Upon successful completion of the individual written project the student should have demonstrated the ability to:

1. Identify the role and contribution of marketing to individual firms and to the economy
2. Distinguish between business-to-consumer marketing and business-to-business marketing

Description of the process
Based on the company and situation description that follows, the student must make a brief assessment of the business environment and the marketing issue described, and write a report which will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Content / Key Points
(Evidence of understanding, quality of research) for 60%,
Application of theory
(Application of knowledge to the project, analyzing patterns, identify trends) for 20% and
Organization & Mechanics
(Structure of responses, Clarity of writing, correct citations) for 20% of the overall grade.

You will find the Assessment Rubric of criteria at the back of this document, and a more analytical description of the requirements in the pages that follow.
Company Information

Assume that you are in the process of creating a start-up. Your first product is a hand-made soap bar.
You are collaborating with a chemist who will help you with the composition of the actual soap made with natural ingredients.

The chemist will be available on campus and propose to you some products in terms of composition, size and aroma. You will design your own product, on an individual basis.

The Environmenta

According to the Euromonitor report

“Amidst the recession, companies continue an all-out war of promotions and discounts in bath and shower, hindering value growth, which declines by 4% in 2014. The biggest category within bath and shower, body wash/shower gel, has been saturated by such intense promotions and discounting over recent years, that consumers now only buy when there is an offer. The market is flooded with “BOGOF” offers and, subsequently these have lost their appeal; promotion has been ‘too much’ and is now considered standard. It has become a commodity-status category and promotions alone can no longer drive volume growth. Thus, body wash/shower gel declines in 2014 by 3% and 4% in volume and value, respectively.

When the crisis broke out, bar soap was considered to have growth potential due to being cheaper, but intense promotions in liquid soap and shower gel put an end to this trend, and, in fact reversed it. As a result of the fierce price war in these categories, bar soap, which is not a promo-intensive category, saw volume and value sales decline by 10% in 2014. However, liquid soap also saw volume and value sales decline by 4% and 3%, respectively, in 2014; it seems that amidst the recession, liquid soap is considered by many Greek consumers as a “luxury”, rather than a commodity purchase.

Within natural ingredients, Korres and Apivita remain the most prominent players, yet both brands are seeing sales stagnate. Selective distribution via specialists and chemists/pharmacies are a reason for both players losing momentum. The decline was largely attributed to the eminent trend for cheaper products that drove consumers away from chemists/pharmacies altogether, along with the fact that volume sales were partially retained with extensive value offers for both companies.”

Still there are opportunities for natural, premium products and you want to take advantage of these opportunities.

The marketing issue

Taking into consideration the company characteristics, a new start up with limited funds, and the environment the company operates in, the written individual project should reflect the following:

1. What are the potential target markets for consumer and business to business marketing?
2. What are the alternative promotional tools that can be used and how do they differ for business to consumer vs business to business marketing?
3. Demonstrate how marketing theory can be utilized in making decisions about which promotional tool to use

A. Content / Key Points
(Evidence of understanding, quality of research) for 60 points

A1. Describe the characteristics of business to consumer vs business to business targeting and suggest who could be the potential customer in each case and the needs they would cover with your product (30 points)
Assess the target market in terms of consumers and in terms of Business to business: who are they, what characteristics do they have, what do you believe their decision making criteria would be in terms of choosing your product over the product of a competitor
Sources of your information for part A1b may be the commercial websites and other publically available information about companies. Passport GMID database, internet research in general, books or articles in academic journals
Deadline for formative submission: February 16, 2016
A2. Discuss the alternative methods of promotion (30 points)
Discuss the potential tools in the marketing mix. Choose 2 of the tools and discuss and how the importance and relevance of each tool differs in consumer vs business to business marketing.
Sources of your information for part A2 should be books or articles in academic journals.
Deadline for formative submission: March 15, 2016

B. Application of theory
(Application of knowledge to the project, analyzing patterns, identify trends) for 20 points
In follow up from the previous section, demonstrate how marketing theory can be utilized in designing the promotional program of your start up. Decide who your primary target group is and recommend which promotional tool to use.

Remember that this is a part where you are evaluated in terms of APPLYING knowledge and analyzing, so you need to demonstrate your thinking process rather than what information exists or what other people have written about these issues.
Deadline for formative submission: March 22, 2016

C. Organization & Mechanics
(Structure of responses, Clarity of writing, correct citations) (total of 20 Points)
The project must be typed (A4 paper, double space, font Arial size 12), without spelling, grammar, syntax and/or punctuation mistakes.
The project must be presented in an organized and professional way. Use the outline provided above to structure your project.
The length of the project should be approximately 1,000-1,100 words. Marks will be deducted for shorter or longer projects.
You need to submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy of your project by the deadline given, which should include a Turnitin report.
The hard copy the project must be bound (preferable ring binder). See more instructions on the format on the next page.
The electronic copy needs to be submitted through Blackboard.
The project must be properly referenced. References should be included in the main text and listed (alphabetically) on a separate page at the end of the report.
Referencing is a standardized way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have used in your document. Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to follow up what you have written and locate the cited author’s work. Use Harvard Style referencing. For more information visit:
In the case of Plagiarism the student will be referred to the appropriate committee according to the Regulatory Framework.

• Title page – include course number and description, the academic period the title of the project, the student name and ACG identification number the project due date, and the instructor’s name
• Table of Contents – identifies the sections in the written project and the associated page number for each section
• Introduction – includes a brief statement of what you intend to accomplish in the project, and a summary of what follows in main body
• Main Body – see content requirements above; the main body should include all of those sections identified in the content described
• References – identifies the academic sources and other published information which you have used; please refrain from using Wikipedia and other wiki sources, as generally, they are not considered to be academic sources
• Graphics and Visual Aids – use visual aids and graphics appropriately and effectively within your text, including screenshots of websites
• Appendix I – includes related material not deemed necessary to be in the main text
• Appendix II – Turnitin Report ( summary page)
• Binding – Present the project in a booklet form, it should not be submitted only with the pages stapled or clipped together in the upper left corner

Sources of Information
The project requires to be supported by research activity. For your research, you need to use library sources and to study academic journals.
• Academic Journals. You must have 5-7 references to articles from academic journals. Some recommended titles are: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, and Harvard Business Review. You can find these journals in our library database [search in Business Source Premier (EBSCO)].
• Library databases. One very useful database is the Global Market Information Database. You can access it through: acglib, e-Resources, on-line indexes and databases, Global Market Information Database (Passport GMID), select Greece.
• Trade Journals. You can find in our library: “Marketing Week” and “se?f se?ß??”.
• Personal Observation. Visit stores, collect promotional material, etc.

Originality and Authenticity
The rules of academic ethics apply to this assignment, including the requirements that the student undertakes the written project without improper or unauthorized assistance from anyone. If it is determined that the project is not the work of the student, the student will be referred to the appropriate committee according to the Regulatory Framework.

Important: Assessment Deadlines
Students must submit work by the deadlines set in the course/project outline. Work submitted after but within seven days of the deadline will receive a maximum grade of C. Students will fail the assessment if work is submitted later than seven days after the deadline (Regulatory Framework 7.2).

The American College of Greece – Deree
Department of Marketing, School of Business
Module: MK2030 – Fundamentals of Marketing (Level 4)
Term: Spring Semester 2016
Type: Individual Written Project
Submission Date: TBA

Instructions for the Project
In the case that the student has failed in the First Assessment, the student needs to resubmit the original project report, with amending the necessary parts according to the feedback by the First Marker in order to fulfill the Learning Outcomes.

In the case that the student has failed the First Assessment due to Plagiarism, the resit requirement will be decided by the appropriate Committee.

In the case that the student has not submitted the First Assessment, the resit requirement is to create an individual report, following the instructions of the original assessment for a competitor to the brand that the instructor will select and announce after the original submissions are concluded .

According to the Regulatory Framework the resit is assessed with the same criteria /rubric but is marked as Pass (Capped at 40 – C) or Fail unless the appropriate committee has approved Normal Grading for the specific case.
Assume that you are in the process of creating a start-up. Your first product is a hand-made soap bar. You are collaborating with a chemist who will help you with the composition of the actual soap m

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