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Assessment 1 Instructions

Assessment 1 Instructions
Task 1 of 3 – Confirm the Advertising Brief Requirements

Unit Name Unit Code Assessment No Mark
Allocated Due Date
Develop a Media Plan MMBADV507B Assessment 1 Task 1 15 Day of the Workshop

Every assessment task must be assessed as Satisfactory (S) for the unit to be Satisfactory.
A graded result can be allocated once the unit is Satisfactory. Assessment Task Results
S Satisfactory
US Unsatisfactory
Graded Result
Provided after S result in the whole unit,
ie S in ALL tasks.

Due date:
Your assessment is due the day of the workshop date.
For security your assessments will only be accepted on Blackboard.
Do not email your assessment.
N Fail – below 50%
P Pass – 50 – 59
C Credit – 60 – 69
D Distinction – 70 -79
HD High Distinction – 80 – 100

Late Submission Application:
An extension of time to submit the assessment can be granted if you provide a medical certificate or have significant personal circumstances. Email this request to the assessor prior to the due date. An extension of one or two weeks is acceptable. “Busy at work’ is NOT accepted as a reason for late submission of assessments.
Where a student has attended a workshop but is suffering a circumstance (eg illness, car accident, family situation, unplanned work travel) which prevents them from submitting assessment and the census date has passed, they can complete a Special Consideration application which enables us to provide a longer extension to submit the overdue assessment.
If an assessment is submitted after the extension due date (next day or later), 10% of the mark will be deducted each day to a maximum of 50%. A mark will be allocated if all the tasks are firstly assessed as Satisfactory.
If an assessment is deemed Not Satisfactory then a student can re-submit the assessment once. If the re-submission is deemed satisfactory, the total mark will be a Pass – 50
After the end date of the unit enrolment, assessment cannot be accepted and the student will need to re-enrol and pay again.

Task 1: Confirm the Advertising Media Requirements
Value: 15 marks

Acting as a manager in your business, you are required to brief an external media agency to construct a media plan to resolve some marketing issues for your organisation.
The brief must have sufficient clarity and detail to articulate the issue, the response required, and set parameters for an agency.
The Assessment Task has been designed to include:
• profile of the target audience
• product and market factors
• legal and ethical constraints
• budget, timing and next steps
1. Complete the attached template for your selected brand, product or service that you will develop your media plan.
2. Submit your completed template into Blackboard under Assessment Task 1.
3. This briefing document must remain within 3 typed pages (excluding attachments)
Advertising Media Requirements Briefing Template

COMPANY NAME Specialized Bicycles
BRIEFED BY Emma Mackie
PROJECT DESCRIPTION We will be running a one-year campaign called The Healthy Catch Ups. This is a social experiment to encourage women to be active and ride bikes. The Healthy Catch Ups campaign will be an online campaign, driven through social media with the use of the #HealthyCatchUps. We want to encourage as many women to ride bikes and build their local communities. The Healthy Catch Ups website will be the central hub where women can find out what’s going on in their local communities, Specialized bike shops, where to ride in their city, nutritional recipe and Specialized product advice and tips. We want to build brand awareness and help build our Specialized retailer communities and encourage as many Women as possible to ride bikes. We will spread the word using the #HealthyCatchUps message.
DATE 6/11/15

1. TARGET AUDIENCE CHARACTERISTICS and CONSUMER PROFILE Healthy Catch Ups target audience is 25-35 female fitness enthusiasts that enjoy being social and active at the same time.
These women are socially active and enjoy an active lifestyle. They use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and are comfortable with using online social media platforms.
We want to target a new audience and attract new riders to our brand. They may not be aware of the Specialized brand but through the Healthy Catch Ups campaign we will build brand awareness.
They may already be in social circles that ride bikes on the weekend, are involved in running groups or go to the gym.
A lot of young mums that are active in their community and enjoy keeping fit with friends.
They would have a positive attitude to fitness and an active lifestyle and would be aware of current trends.
They would seek to find out information on how to get involved in activities, where to ride and what bike stores are in their area.

2. PRODUCT BRAND Healthy Catch Ups could be seen as an informational source with low involvement required from the consumer.
The brand is seen as a community, fun and engaging. It’s a way to bring people together and encourage and inspire women to try new things with friends. It’s the current trend with the current active wear and fitness image and lifestyle.
3. CREATIVE & MERCHANDISING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLAN Call to actions for our brand include :
• The use of the #HealthyCatchUps
• Visit the Healthy Catch Ups Hub
• Download nutritional reciepes
• Be a part of a Healthy Catch Ups Event
• Buy Specialized Women’s bikes
• Be a part of their local bike store community
Media will need to be localised for different retailer communities and national depending on the touch points.
Images need to be friendly, non-intimidating, females that are active and social. Images of bike paths, yoga, coffee shops and communities to represent what Healthy Catch Ups is about.
We want to see a high level of the use of the #HealthyCatchUps and make the Healthy Catch ups hub as their go to page for fitness and information.
4. LEGAL & VOLUNTARY CONSTRAINTS • Infringing trademarks
• Privacy requirements
• Data restrictions
• Advertising standards
5. MEDIA BUDGET This will be a yearlong campaign.
Budget will be $50,000
Assessment 1 Instructions
Task 2 of 3 – Develop a Media Plan

Unit Name Unit Code Assessment No Mark
Allocated Due Date
Develop a Media Plan MMBADV507B Assessment 1 Task 2 70 Six weeks from date of workshop

Every assessment task must be assessed as Satisfactory (S) for the unit to be Satisfactory.
A graded result can be allocated once the unit is Satisfactory. Assessment Task Results
S Satisfactory
US Unsatisfactory
Graded Result
Provided after S result in the whole unit,
ie S in ALL tasks.

Due date:
Your assessment is due no later than 5pm Friday six weeks from the workshop date.
For security your assessments will only be accepted on Blackboard.
Do not email your assessment.
N Fail – below 50%
P Pass – 50 – 59
C Credit – 60 – 69
D Distinction – 70 -79
HD High Distinction – 80 – 100

Late Submission Application:
An extension of time to submit the assessment can be granted if you provide a medical certificate or have significant personal circumstances. Email this request to the assessor prior to the due date. An extension of one or two weeks is acceptable. “Busy at work’ is NOT accepted as a reason for late submission of assessments.
Where a student has attended a workshop but is suffering a circumstance (eg illness, car accident, family situation, unplanned work travel) which prevents them from submitting assessment and the census date has passed, they can complete a Special Consideration application which enables us to provide a longer extension to submit the overdue assessment.
If an assessment is submitted after the extension due date (next day or later), 10% of the mark will be deducted each day to a maximum of 50%. A mark will be allocated if all the tasks are firstly assessed as Satisfactory.
If an assessment is deemed Not Satisfactory then a student can re-submit the assessment once. If the re-submission is deemed satisfactory, the total mark will be a Pass – 50
After the end date of the unit enrolment, assessment cannot be accepted and the student will need to re-enrol and pay again.

Task 2: Develop a Media Plan
Value: 70 marks

Now that you have confirmed the media requirements, you are required produce a media plan.
The plan must have sufficient clarity and detail to articulate:
• The marketing and media objectives the plan must deliver against
• profile and developed persona of the target audience
• competitive analysis detailing and discussing the media activities undertaken by direct competitors
• identify and state the media strategy to be applied to the campaign
• creative media recommendations
• media plan covering all required media that has been compared and contains the rationale for selecting each of the media vehicles
• any other media recommendations
• budget summary
1. Following the outline supplied, develop a media plan that will achieve the objectives and requirements as highlighted in the media requirements brief (task 1).
2. Submit your completed media plan into Blackboard under Assessment Task 2.
3. The plan must be presented in a word document, and should not be more than 2,000 words (excluding attachments), fully referenced and professionally presented.
Media Plan outline

1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Marketing Objectives
• Media Objectives
• Target Market
4. Target Market
5. Competitive Analysis
6. Media Strategy
7. Media Plan (select the appropriate media from the list below)
• Internet
• Outdoor / OOH
• Radio
• Newspaper
• TV
• Magazine
8. Budget Summary
9. Appendix



Company Overview:
Include a small introduction by way of a background to the client and the key issues the plan will be address.

This should set the scene of why the media plan is being written. Include things such as:
• Company overview – who the client is, what they do, where they are based geographically
• What position they have in the market (leader, challenger in the segment)
• Market share

This should be not more than ½ – 1 paragraph

Key Issues:
This focused on what the key issues that the plan is intended to address. For example, what is going to be explored throughout the media plan – is it the launch of new product, is it the extension of an existing campaign, it is to reposition a brand etc.
This should not be more than 1 paragraph

Some additional notes:
This section serves like an introduction to why the plan is being written and the key issues the company faces – it is not a long story about the company – after all you are presenting the plan to the client – they already know who they are.

The purpose of this section is for you to demonstrate you understand what the key issue the client has put to you in the brief.


Marketing Objectives:
These will be focused on two of the following – but note, you can only select the ones that you have information from the client (or what you found in an industry report). You cannot make anything up…
• Sales (dollars)
• Volume (units, tonnes, etc)
• Profit

The best way to write a marketing objective is to follow the formula below:
Increase [sales, volume, profit] of [insert brand, product etc] from x to y in the category of [insert category] by the end of [insert period].

Increase sales of John West from $2.3m to $2.7m in the category of tined tuna by the end of September 2016.

Note: to gain full marks within this section, you need to produce 2 or 3 marketing objectives that a fully quantified.
Media Objectives
Media objectives are the tasks the media plan is expected to achieve. These will focus on areas such as:
• Reach
• Frequency
• Continuity
• Brand awareness
There is no particular sentence formula for this area as it depends directly on the expected outcome of the plan. However, there are some examples below to help you in constructing the objectives. In brackets are the areas the objective may relate to but you do not write the bracket information:

• Within the $900,000 budget, create a national campaign that positions Nestle Ice Cream as a healthy alternative to yoghurt during the summer months of 2016 [awareness and continuity].
• Following the launch of the campaign, provide sustained support through the autumn months [continuity]
• Reach 75% of heavy consumers of fresh yoghurt who purchase at least once a week [reach]
• During the introductory period of the campaign, reach 80 percent of the target consumers of yoghurt an average of five times, and 50 percent three or more times [reach and frequency – note this should only be used on lengthy campaigns]
• Following the first month of the campaign sustain awareness by reaching 30 percent of the consumers of fresh yoghurt at least once a month. [reach and frequency – note this should only be used on lengthy campaigns]
• Utilise media that can create awareness and effectively communicate the healthier alternative attributes of Bulla frozen yoghurt.

Note: to gain full marks within this section, you need to produce 3 or 4 media objectives.

Target Market:

This area firstly contains bulleted list of what you found about the target audience.

Note: Not every bullet necessarily has a statistic listed, but all the major points will. You must ensure this section is written on fact and not intuitive beliefs.

When you have a broad demographic group, it is best to group these into two profiles: Primary and Secondary.

The analysis will be detailed as is the primary audience you’re trying to reach.

Structure your section with the following subsections:
• Demographics
list out the most important demographic attributes – age, size, family structure, distribution of a population being targeted, etc.
• Geographic’s
where are the target audience located? Regional, Rural, CBD, Urban, East coast, West Coast?
• Psychographics
what are their lifestyles?
Includes: activities (sport, shopping, internet activity, mobile phone activity, work, hobbies, social events, vacations, entertainment, club membership, community etc), interests (including family, home, job, community, recreation, fashion, food, media, achievements)and opinions (including themselves, social interests, politics, business, economics, education, products, future and culture)
• Attitudes
likes and dislikes, how involved are they when making a decision to purchase, how much do they seek out information (Note: Different generations seek information differently e.g./ baby boomers read instruction manuals, Generation Y are ‘Plug and Play’). Ensure you consider the key insights that are derived from the motivations for the consumer to purchase or buy into the service you are providing.
• Media Consumption
what media, when do they consume and how (Note: if you have said that your target audience are constantly using the internet, then this should be covered in here. This section may also link areas you highlighted in the psychographics; activities, interests and opinions)
• All of your findings/research should be included in the appendix.

Something to think about is that you must quantify the final size of the target audience eg 5.6million people who meet the above profile. Basically, you will start off with a high number of people within the target audience group, and as you get narrower in their profile, the number of people will reduce.

Within this section of the report you must support any claims with statistical data or recorded information including industry reports, media analysis reports (Asteroid), articles (magazines, press etc). Do not put unnecessary statistics or information within this section, you will lose marks; only include what is relevant to your target audience and your report.

Remember information placed within this section will be expected to be used throughout your strategy and media plan further in the report – so it’s a fine balance between too much information and not enough.

Once you have completed the total analysis of the target market, you need to then profile the audience based on the data you have collected. This is done by creating a simple summary / description using the process of developing a Persona.
This is the brief story of a single member of the target audience…”Hi my name is Jenny, I am 24 years old…” – this should have a photo or collage of photos, and must not be more than 3-4 paragraphs. It should include not only their “story” but should also include their goals, what influences them in their decision to purchase, and also and MOST IMPORTANTLY what media they consume to obtain their knowledge and help with the decision to purchase.

A word of warning… if you identify a secondary target audience that will be targeted, and most plans do contain a second target audience, make sure this audience is identified and captured within the media plan in order to reach them – develop the second audience profile and persona, and remember to include their unique media habits in the media section.
Competitive Analysis:

Within this section you must identify 3-4 direct (or indirect if there are no direct) competitors.

This analysis will not be focused on the company history. It must be focused on the media activities in the past 12 months to two years – including:

• What advertising is undertaken
• What media they use
• What message they seek to have the target audience hear
• How much they spend
• What is the Share of Voice

Students should look to include images of the recent campaigns that were played in the various media channels.

Media Strategy:

Within this section you will discuss the strategy that will be employed in order to achieve the requirements of the brief.

This area draws on background materials presented within the brief and has a direct linkage to the media objectives and the target audience profile.

This section discusses the way you intend to handle the continuity of the plan including:

Which strategy will you be adopting i.e. continuous, pulsing, flighting. BUT you must not just “quote” the strategy… you need to explain it.
Why have you chosen this approach, remember this section links back to your objectives. Example: Due to the want to increase sales of xyz from 2.3m to 2.7m by the end of September 2016, continuous strategy will be undertaken to ensure greater product awareness within the target audience with particular focus on….

Discuss the primary media that you will be implementing to deliver your objectives. Again, do not discuss the program or title, just the genre. Within this section, remember to link back to the target audience, if you have said that your target audience is aged 16 years and loves to use the texting facilities of their mobile phone, then perhaps consider using new technologies (ie. Blue Tooth advertising to reach your market).

Briefly identify your concept of where you will be advertising and when. Remember that the concept is very macro. Example: Media that has been chosen for the deployment of our advertising campaign will include the utilisation of full colour, full page adverts within lifestyle magazines, placed within the first half of the magazine. These advertisements will run for three consecutive months beginning June, in conjunction with the continuous advertising. We will be utilising the technology within the magazine that provides for a layered image effect. Etc.

Remember: do not talk about the media titles – only genre at this stage.
Media Plan:


Within this section you need to include in detail the rationale supporting the media selection and how it links back to your objectives, target audience and strategy.

Start by giving 1-2 paragraph overview of where your plan is focused. Consider it as a summary.
• Start with the primary media, discuss on each media selected:
Reach, frequency, weighting, continuity, scheduling, role of the media (primary, supporting, used as a call to action vs. awareness building);and creative media options

As this section is the bulk of your report, you need to have specific details throughout each media vehicle chosen, including the use of statistics or other findings to validate what you are saying. This is the written analysis of what your schedule shows – your schedule is the visual representation.

Under each media, make sure you include the following information:
• Details of media you have chosen – including benefits/advantages
• Remind the reader of the KEY stats you uncovered in the target audience profiling – and add the specific stats that relate to the program or title you have selected.

It’s is expected that the following will be included/answered for each of the following media selected (note, this is NOT all information expected, only to get you going…)

Remember: DO NOT place the amount you’re spending in this section!
Keep that for the schedule.
• Site (www.abc.com.au)
• Size of the ad space (300x 250, OTP etc)
• Type – skyscraper etc
• Placement of ad (run of people aged 25-34, 44-54, Homepage buyout for a day – OTP + 300×250 etc)
• Click through expectations (Ad clicks %)
• Measurement – CPA, CPC, CPI, etc
• Exposure expectations (impressions)
• Tie-ins with affiliated sites (including backlinks etc)
• Commencement dates, completion dates
• Ad Servers (what group e.g People 24-39, buyout etc)

Some additional thoughts for you:
don’t forget to discuss your ad clicks expectation / conversion to sale. For example, the average Ad Clicks for a Yahoo7 promotion is 0.01% of all visitors to the page.

As per our class re Ad Servers…. Don’t forget that you don’t always purchase all your ads directly with the site, this is where an ad server helps you. You purchase packages of 10,000 impressions that will be randomly allow you to “serve up” ads to people who are not on your primary websites.

As a guide re ad servers:
Rich media – a Homepage Buyout (OTP) will serve you up around 7 million impressions, with a CPM of $5.
Standard ad size (300 x 250) you can allocate 9 million impressions at a CPM of $3.

Below is an example of how to show internet in the description columns of the schedule:
Media Market Duration/Size Parameters
ninemsn NSW, QLD Homepage Buyout / OTP + 300×250 10,000,000 impressions (21-Jan-16 – 21-Jan-16)
ninemsn NSW, QLD Run of ppl – 25-34 / 300×250 2,000,000 impressions (21-Jan-16 to 21-Jan-16)
Fairfax digital – The Age VIC Homepage buyout / OTP + 300×250 2,500,000 impressions (22-Jan-16 to 10-Mar-16)
Fairfax digital – The Age VIC Run of Sport / 300×250 3,000,000 impressions (10-Feb-16 to 29-Mar-16)

Ad Serving
Rich Media NSW Homepage Buyout x 3 / OTP 21,000,000 impressions (21-Jan-16 to 9-Feb-16)
Standard NSW All remaining / 300×250 9,000,000 impressions (21-Jan-16 to 29-Mar-16)

• Size (billboard 24 sheet, large >24 sheet, Small <24 sheet)
• Use of extensions /cut outs
• Super sites – which ones, for how long
• Sites – be specific, which ones, how long
• Exposures/viewings/impressions

Transit & Street Furniture
• Where
• How Long
• What exactly (trams, buses, taxis, bus shelters, phone booths, kiosks)
• Size
• How many
• Number of viewings/impressions
• Is it internal/interior transit or external (mounted on sides etc)

Note: Billboard and Transit & Street Furniture fit within the one heading of outdoor

• Length of spot
• Station
• Breakfast, Morning, Afternoon or Drive
• Time (you must place start and end time if you’re requesting for a specific time. If you’re allowing station to allocate when it runs then you should also state that).
• Day of the week
• No of spots

• Sponsorship
Sponsorship activities (such as street events, live cross, homepage integration, other internal radio offerings – email signature, radio club mailout/integration etc.)
Reach, frequency

• Broadsheet – column widths/mm
• Tabloid
• Days, dates
• Supplements/free standing inserts
• Display advert (full, half page, quarter page)
• Strip or box sponsorship
• Run of paper or preferred position
• Reach, frequency

• Length of TVC
• Channel
• What program
• How many spots per program
• What time slot
• Run of station
• Road blocking, etc
• Will you be using teasers
• In program sponsorship
• Reach, Frequency

• What magazine
• Issue / Onsale date
• Amount of circulation; are these people in your target audience?
• Reach
• Position in magazine / loadings
• Number of issues
• Size, FPC etc
• Type of insert (lose insert, foldout, FPC etc)
• Number of times in magazine (per issue)
• Link back to TV in program
• Reach, Frequency

Budget Summary:

This is where you place all of your costs for each media selected (summary of media costs).

Group costs into a table and a graphical representation:

TV $ $ $ $ $
Radio $ $ $ $ $
Magazine $ $ $ $ $
Newspaper $ $ $ $ $
… $ $ $ $ $
… $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
TOTAL SPEND: $ $ $ $ $

If you have state based activities, you should list these in a separate table and breakdown graphically as well.
All references in relation to target audience profiling and media rates should be included in the appendix.

Additional Things to Remember:

• Everything you say in the document has a reason and you have research to back it up!
• It’s not about how much you say, but how clearly and well justified it is!
• Don’t forget to mark your appendix clearly – USE DIVIDERS IF YOU NEED TO!
• Use footnotes in your document to refer to appendix – just remember to state the correct name of the appendix
Example: Appendix 3: Asteroid – Roy Morgan Single Source Data – Attitudes
• Keep it consistent throughout!
Be consistent when using names, target market media consumption and attitudes, generational statements, media strategy and schedule, etc
• Only use relevant statistics, avoid ‘Data Dumps’ you will lose marks
• Don’t use coloured backgrounds on your pages. You page should be white and clean. If you use a faint watermark, make sure it’s not visually distracting from being able to read the content of the report.
• Use report format – title page, table of contents, page numbering, Arial font 12pt, 1.5 line spacing, single side printed etc.

Assessment 1 Instructions
Task 3 of 3 – Media Schedule

Unit Name Unit Code Assessment No Mark
Allocated Due Date
Develop a Media Plan MMBADV507B Assessment 1 Task 3 15 Six weeks from date of workshop

Every assessment task must be assessed as Satisfactory (S) for the unit to be Satisfactory.
A graded result can be allocated once the unit is Satisfactory. Assessment Task Results
S Satisfactory
US Unsatisfactory
Graded Result
Provided after S result in the whole unit,
ie S in ALL tasks.

Due date:
Your assessment is due 5pm Friday six weeks from the workshop date.
For security your assessments will only be accepted on Blackboard.
Do not email your assessment.
N Fail – below 50%
P Pass – 50 – 59
C Credit – 60 – 69
D Distinction – 70 -79
HD High Distinction

Late Submission Application:
An extension of time to submit the assessment can be granted if you provide a medical certificate or have significant personal circumstances. Email this request to the assessor prior to the due date. An extension of one or two weeks is acceptable. “Busy at work’ is NOT accepted as a reason for late submission of assessments.
Where a student has attended a workshop but is suffering a circumstance (eg illness, car accident, family situation, unplanned work travel) which prevents them from submitting assessment and the census date has passed, they can complete a Special Consideration application which enables us to provide a longer extension to submit the overdue assessment.
If an assessment is submitted after the extension due date (next day or later), 10% of the mark will be deducted each day to a maximum of 50%. A mark will be allocated if all the tasks are firstly assessed as Satisfactory.
If an assessment is deemed Not Satisfactory then a student can re-submit the assessment once. If the re-submission is deemed satisfactory, the total mark will be a Pass – 50
After the end date of the unit enrolment, assessment cannot be accepted and the student will need to re-enrol and pay again.

Task 3: Media Schedule
Value: 15 marks

Now that you have prepared the media plan, you are required to develop a media schedule for your manager / client.
The schedule must be a visual representation of the plan detailed in your report and include:
• Detailed information in relation to the media selected, the publisher information, market, parameters, frequency and costs.
• It must be within your allocated budget nominated in Task 1

1. Following the excel template supplied, construct a full detailed media schedule
2. Submit your completed creative brief into Blackboard under Assessment Task 3.
3. The schedule must be presented in a excel file.

This must be completed on the excel spread-sheet template available in blackboard from Develop a Media Plan.

It must include:

• Visual alignment of what you have stated in the media plan. If you discussed it in the media planning section, then it must appear the same way in the schedule.

• Common mistake is when students find their plan goes over budget and they adjust on the spread-sheet but don’t remember to adjust in the planning section of the report.

• Note/ all media that you have selected must be represented within the schedule

• Note/ Schedule must be a realistic representation of your media. For example marks will be deducted if you are saying that you are having 87 outdoor billboards, and have not stated in the media plan exactly where these will be located. If you are saying that your campaign is only undertaken in Melbourne CBD, there are not 87 viable placements for a narrow target audience.

• There is no service fee to be included in the schedule.

• You must spend all the money. 1% above or below is acceptable – provided on the schedule it doesn’t look like you could have spent the 1% without changing the plan substantially.
Items that are a must:

If you’re doing TV you must include either box overlay with the following, or include in the comments:
Double click the icon below to access the media schedule file:

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