Applied Business Project (HRM) ASSIGNMENT
The assignment question reflects the core themes addressed during the ABP HRM module. The aim of the assignment is to encourage students to combine theoretical and practical aspects of HRM by referring to practical company case study examples when assessing the core theories and themes in the HRM literature.
SELECT ONE relevant case organisation with which you are familiar one that you can access relevant HRM information about (for example, one you have worked for, had an internship in, an organisation familiar to your family/friends, or one you have been able to find detailed information about on the internet, in books, newspaper articles, etc).
READ the book chapter I have placed on blackboard by Sisson and Purcell (2010) entitled Management: Caught between competing views of the organization.
Based upon the Sisson and Purcell chapter, other recommended academic literature for the module (such as the core Beardwell and Claydon textbook, etc see recommended reading/references in course outline and seminar slides), your own wider reading material, and content of the module seminars, produce a 3000 word report critically evaluating your case organisations HR strategies and policies. Pay particular attention to commenting analytically on the competing approaches to HRM management might use (treating employees as a commodity cost to be controlled v treating them as a resource to be developed).
In completing the report, you are expected to address the following thematic issues:
In the report, firstly, briefly summarize the organisations overall business strategy and goals and then,
secondly, identify the organisations overall HR strategy and goals.
Analyse the various components of HRM policy and practice in the organisation:
talent management,
recruitment and selection;
Human Resource Development; employment relations,
employee participation and voice; pay, reward & performance management (these might be referred to by different labels).
Examine to what extent the various components of HRM support and contribute towards achieving the organisations overall strategy (vertical integration). Evaluate to what extent the various components of HRM are consistent and support each other in achieving the overall HR strategy (horizontal integration).
Following Sisson and Purcell (2010), a key theme to be addressed is the degree to which HR management (and management generally) in your case organization face competing organizational pressures: notably, i) developing employees as a valued resource and seeking their cooperation (training & development, employee participation, profit sharing, etc) while ii) also having to control labour costs and performance (redundancies, cutting pay and benefits, closely monitoring employee performance, contracting out work, work intensification, hiring and firing temporary staff, etc). What is the balance between such competing approaches? Is there evidence on the extent of cooperation or conflict in the employment relationship between employers and employees/trade unions?
Another theme to be discussed in your assignment is how organizational, sector/industry, national, and international contexts impact on HRM policies in your case company.
Provide some conclusions, and then briefly recommend areas for possible future improvement in HR management in your chosen organization.