Analyse how language, society and culture are linked to one another
Assignment description: Analyse how language, society and culture are lined to one another.
Assignment structure:
I. Introduction (150 words* 1 reference) Introducing the theme and key points to be discussed
II. Section A (600 words*3 references) Critical analysis of cultural and aspects of language functioning. (historical aspect, acculturation, bi-culturalism, cross-cultural, inter culturalims)
III. Section B (600 words*3 references) Critical analysis of Social-cultural significance of language.(communication, socialisation, cultural accumulation, development,education, coorparation)
IV. Section C (700 words*3 references) Critical analysis of language and social context. Role of language in organisation of social groups. (sociolinguistic, Social dialects, customs and norms)
V. Section D (550 words*3 references) Critical analysis of communication accommodation theory with language-society and culture.
VI. Section E (150 words) conclusion.