The purpose of this assignment is to discover the different types of financial reporting procedures within your internship company. You will compose a minimum 500-word paper to discuss your findings.
Select a manager who directly supervises you or one that you have observed managing employees where you are interning and interview them for this assignment.
Complete independent research to support your discussion of the paper topic (minimum of three external sources recommended).
Reporting Procedures. Discuss the following reports:
• Food costs/Labor costs/Other costs
• Sales reports
• Forecast report
Payroll Policies and Procedures
• Is there an HRIS or payroll system in use
• Discuss how payroll is administrated and who is in charge of payroll
• How often are employees paid
Describe the annual budget process
How does the organization measure their financial success
Submission and Formatting Standards
Attach a WORD document or PDF file for your submission. Please note the following paper standards:
Minimum of 500 words (use Word Count under Microsoft Tools to ensure your submission meets the length standard). Submission Information (name, assignment name, etc.) or references do not count towards word requirement.
No typographical or grammatical errors
1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right
12-point font (Arial or Times Roman)
Headings and, if appropriate, sub-headings used to help organize paper
Introduction with thesis sentence and a “roadmap” that lets the reader know the subject of your paper
Conclusion that summarizes your paper and reminds the reader what your paper was about
Citations for any ideas not the student’s own are fully and accurately cited so a third party can easily find the original source (APA format)