The role of inflation on aspects of human development
Paper details:
Highlight the understanding of inflation from also a non-economics perspective as an intensifier of poverty and malnutrition and thus infant mortality rates or others, and why it matters. If needed to focus on a geography it would be South America (ex; Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil). This could include inflation on public unrest if better. The idea is to move away from conventional studies on inflation. Abstract 200 words maximum (do not count or number this page) Table of contents List of Tables (if any) List of Figures (if any) Glossary or list of abbreviations/symbols etc. 7. Text of thesis (divided into chapters or major sections. Each chapter or major section must begin on a new page, and the chapter titles in the text and in the table of contents must match.) Usually the thesis will have sections approximating the following. Please confer with your supervisor to determine what will work best in your particular case: Typical thesis outline: a. Introduction b. Literature review closely related to statement of problem c. Formal statement of hypothesis d. Description of research methods e. Findings and analysis f. Conclusion 8. Appendices (if any) 9. Bibliography Format specifications • Margins must be 1 inch on the right, top and bottom and 1.5 inches on the left. • Page numbers beginning on table of contents page starting with Arabic numeral 1. • Font: Times New Roman. • Font size: The main text must be 12 point type. Footnotes, figures or tables must be 10 point. • Spacing: The main text must be double spaced. Indented quotes must be single spaced. Footnotes, figures or tables should be single spaced. • Numbers and captions: Footnotes or Endnotes must be numbered seriatim. Figures, illustrations or tables must be numbered and captioned.