Order Description
Watch: https://youtu.be/EA3x7Z6rR_Y (Links to an external site.)
Reference: Chapter 9: Gender (Marsiglia, F. F., & Kulis, S. S. (2015). Diversity, oppression & change: Culturally grounded social work (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Lyceum).
Answer these questions and reference Video and Chapter 9: Gender with page numbers:
Explain in detail how culture and society impact gender role expectations?
Describe in detail how male and females develop a gender strategy for problem solving?
Explain in detail how does sexism contribute to oppression? Give examples from Chapter 9: Gender
How did the womens movement and feminism help women to make strides to gain equality?
How does culture help to define the image of masculinity? Give examples from Chapter 9: Gender
What is gender-based discrimination?
How is the transgender community impacted by this? Give examples from Chapter 9: Gender