Topic: Community Oriented Policing Essay
Order Description
Write an essay that thoroughly explores the following questions:
1.Is community-oriented policing possible? Is it successful? Is it feasible in a community whose interpersonal bonds are weak, nonexistent, or where fear has a high impact on the citizens? Why or why not?
2. Compare and contrast COP and problem-oriented policing (POP). Is one type of community patrolling more appropriate than another? Does the community affect which type of method is more effective?
3. Identify where you would initiate each form of policing, and explain the advantages your choice brings to the impacted community.
4. Research current police relations initiatives. Document at least two examples of the type of relationships that exist between law enforcement officials and various members of the community. Were the relationships positive or negative? What changes could be made to improve relations? What additional programs could be added or developed to strengthen relationships between law enforcement and the community?