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Do boys or girls respond positively to punsihment?

Paper details: Write a 16-page research proposal examining the relationship between two variables (independent and dependent variables) using all aspects of qualitative research methods (i.e., statement of the problem, review of literature, framework and hypotheses formulation, research design). Please make sure that you use APA style.
Research Proposal Guidelines

Introduction (Approximately 2-3 pages)
• Introduce your issue (statement of the problem)
• Discuss its’ importance to the field of social work (why should we care?)

Review of the Literature (Approximately 6-8)
Each topic/paper is different. As such, use the bullets that apply and forego the ones that don’t.
• Define the variables/constructs of interest.
This does not mean you have to write. “My variable/s of interest are xyz.” In fact, don’t write that. You just have to let the reader know what the main topics of your paper are.
o How is it typically defined? (You may have come across different articles that define it in different ways. For example, if writing about aggression some authors may be looking a physical aggression, while some also examine relational aggression. Specify the ways in which it is typically discussed) & cite.
o How do you define it in the context of this paper?
 If you are departing from the status quo definition, how so? Why? (Do you think it is an insufficient way to define the construct?) If you depart from the status quo understanding of the construct you should have sound reason to do so and back up with existing literature.
• Provide background information on these variables and/or social issue at hand.
o What has been found to date?
 Connect existing theories (Please don’t feel pressured to pick random theories that have some general underpinning. Pick theories that are specific to your issue—that help shed light on the matter).
 Discuss existing controversies in the field? Who disagrees? Who agrees? Why?
o Discuss studies that have been done to investigate the variables/constructs of interest (quantitative and/or qualitative)
 You may critique:
• How it was studied (methods, participants, etc.)?
• The quality of the research done
• Whether there are threats to internal validity?
• Whether you believe the findings mean what researchers have interpreted it to mean? Why or why not? (Refer to “threats of internal validity” lecture notes/text)
• Whether there are threats to external validity (i.e. are findings generalizable)?
• Whether there are issues with the research design? Might they have found more using a different design? Why? Did their designs create any level of doubt? Why?
o What are the “gaps in the literature”? (What does the field still need to know?)
o State your research question and expected hypothesis.

Methods (Approximately 3-4 pages)
• Participants
o How many?
o How will you recruit them? Where from?
o Demographics [racial/ethnic makeup, gender, sexual orientation (if related to your study), age range, etc.] Report in percentages the desired composition of your sample. Justify why this is your desired composition.
• Procedure
o When and where will you administer your measures?
o Describe particulars about the environment? (ex: In a lab? In their work setting? On a street corner? At a community Center? etc.)
o What measurements (i.e., survey, interview, observation, etc.) will you use?
o How long will the survey or interview take?
o If there are more than one measurement points (ex: the beginning of treatment and 6 months after the start of treatment) please state so, and what will be done to ensure participant retention.
o What covariates will you be controlling for? How will you measure them?
o If you are using an intervention detail the components of the intervention (how often will they receive the intervention? what professional staff is administering the intervention? Where? How long is the intervention? What are the components of the intervention? –If the intervention is one that you are designing, then support with the literature why you have chosen specific components of your intervention).
• Ethics
o Are there any ethical considerations involved in this study? How would you address them?

Discussion (Approximately 2-3 pages)
• Reintroduce the issue.
o What are you studying?
o Why is it important to the field of social work?
• Highlight major controversies in the field
• Discuss potential limitations of your study—justifying why it is okay to continue the study despite these limitations.
• Discuss “Implications for Practice.” What value do you think your finding will have for the field? (*Remember, we are not looking for your opinion, but what was stated in the literature*)
• Discuss, “Implications for Policy.”
• Discuss, “Implications for Future Research.”
• Conclusion
Remember to:
• Use at least 12-15 references. Include a reference list of all sources cited.
• 15-20 pages maximum
• Use APA Style in writing your paper (See Black Board for an abbreviated APA Style guide or the APA manual). Make sure the title page, running head, references, page numbering, citations etc. are in APA format.
• Be objective. This is not a journalistic, creative writing or philosophical piece. Scientific writing is much dryer than other types of writing.
• Make sure your argument is clear. Do not passively report/summarize information.
• Cite all ideas that are not original thought. Anything else is considered plaigiarism.
• Use proper grammar (go to the Writing Center, if needed). DO NOT use colloquialisms and common sayings (i.e., do not write like you talk to your friends.) Write professionally.
• Support all opinions with previous literature.
• Never introduce new material in the “discussion” section.
• Absolutely no plagiarism! I will be able to tell if you are plagiarizing if you write something I know you have no understanding of (because it is beyond the scope of things we’ve discussed in class, and is technical/jargony language that you haven’t defined within your paper).

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