The parochial interests of state/locally based police forces impede the capacity of national governments to develop a targeted strategy to attack organized crime. Discuss.
The parochial interests of state/locally based police forces impede the capacity of national governments to develop a targeted strategy to attack organized crime. Discuss.
Marking Criteria:
Introduction: Combines all three elements of an introduction coherently. Provides a stepwise plan and displays a well thought out approach, indicating specific examples to be used.
Argument: Clear and well-integrated sense of argument that lows through the entire paper. Argument directly referred to in the main body. Central argument is a clear driving force in the paper. All of the examples and arguments used directly relate to the main argument in the paper.
Academic Evidence: Integrates appropriate evidence and argument in a sophisticated manner. The support chosen is entirely in alignment with the core argument of the paper and successfully engages with alternative viewpoints.
Answer the question: Is entirely focused on the core concerns of the question, and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the relevant issues.
Engaging the literature relevant to the topic using appropriate academic sources and displaying a depthngagiUU
Using appropriate Academic relevant sources: Demonstrates a sophisticated engagement with the current literature, correctly identifying both the argument that support the position taken and successfully addressing concerns raised by different or opposing views. All sources are current and valid. 20 or more diverse sources directly relevant to the topic, including refereed academic journal, books and reports.
References: Uses Oxford Referencing Style. Demonstrates a sophisticated use of referencing material, argument and factual information, including synthesis from a number of sources.
Conclusion: Provides well-balanced conclusion with a synthesis of key findings/arguments. Provides a direction for further research required. Points to any limitations of methodology/theory/data.
Please Read Important:
Essentially the proposition of the paper is that because policing is local/regional in its nature (ie. community based) and Organized Crime is moving increasingly towards being transnational in its approach to business; there is a conflict in the structures and strategies of police agencies to deal with the OC problem. Now you are free to generally agree or disagree with that proposition but it is important to ensure to consider both sides of the argument (ie. agreement and disagreement) in your paper.
ng the literature relevant to the topic using appropriate academic sources and displaying a depth of research