For this response paper assignment, you should answer questions four and five on page 122 of Food Matters. Whether you are or are not familiar with The Joy of Cooking, you should include one resource in this piece that explains the significance of that text and helps you to answer the question of why the authors chose to analyze this cookbook.
This paper should be a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages. It should be written in paragraphs, follow MLA format, be typed in a 12-point, legible font, double-spaced, printed, stapled (unless printed double-sided), and ready to turn in at the beginning of class on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. See syllabus for late policy.
4- The article was published in an academic journal. What do you learn about academic research from reading this article? What is the value of this kind of research about food? What are some practical uses of such research?
5- Why did they choose to analyze recipes from The Joy of Cooking? Are you familiar with this cookbook? Do you know anyone who uses it?