Let’s practice the translation of statements. Translate the following verbal expressions below to their corresponding symbolic expressions and translate the symbolic expressions to their corresponding verbal expressions.
Action Items
Carefully read the following section in the Week 3 Key Points:
The Translation Of Statements
Read the following instructions carefully and apply those in your translation:
Interpreting the statement indicator H as I am happy
Interpreting the statement indicator T as I am troubled
Let connective indicator & substitute the connective AND
Let connective indicator v substitute the connective OR
Let connective indicator ~ substitute the connective NOT
Let connective indicator → substitute the connective IF-THEN
Let connective indicator ↔ substitute the connective IF-AND-ONLY-IF.
Translate the following statements:
EXERCISE #1. I am happy.
EXERCISE #2. I am not happy.
EXERCISE #3. I am troubled.
EXERCISE #4. I am not troubled.
EXERCISE #5. I am happy or I am troubled.
EXERCISE #6. It is not both the case that I am happy and troubled.
EXERCISE #7. If I am not happy, then I am troubled.
EXERCISE #8. It is not the case that if I am happy, then I am troubled.
EXERCISE #9. I am happy if and only if I am not troubled.
EXERCISE #10. ~ (H v T)
EXERCISE #11. ~ T → H
EXERCISE #12. ~ H & ~ T
Complete Action Items 2 – 3 in a Microsoft Word document.