Rubric for Grading Timed Essays
Note: The Final Exam will not be released to you until you read the below information
the holistic score you receive for your essay will double in value.
You will not have the option of revising the timed essays.
Essays will be graded using a holistic score of 1 (low) – 6 (high) where these values have the following meaning:
6: Highly sophisticated writing, demonstrating mature thinking, ample development, clear organization, and near-perfect language written with style.
5: The writing may not be as sophisticated, but the thesis is strong, the development supports the thesis, the organization is sound, and the language is clear and generally free of errors.
4: The essay has a thesis, development, organization, and generally clear language.
————————————–Essays scoring below a 4 are not passing———————————–
3: The essay is lacking in one of the following areas: thesis, development, organization, or language.
2: The essay is seriously lacking in two of the following areas: thesis, development, organization, or language.
1: The essay is lacking in three of the following areas: thesis, development, organization, or language.
0: The essay is off-topic.
Not Exam will not be released to you until you read the below information and hit the “Mark Reviewed” button when you are done.
This is a timed (2 hour) essay exam. Write a 500 word essay in response to the question, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Be sure to proofread your paper.
This is a timed, essay exam. Write a 500 word essay in response to the question, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Be sure to proofread your paper.
You will have 2 hours to complete the exam, and you must complete it at a single sitting. Do not close the window for the exam, but minimize the screen and open a Word a separate window. Then copy and paste your essay in the exam area, as well as the Honors Statement.
Timed Test
This test has a time limit of 2 hours.
Timer Setting
You will be notified when time expires, and you may continue or submit.
Force Completion
Once started, this test must be completed in one sitting. Do not leave the test before clicking Save and Submit.