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Cultural Competence in Social Justice Paper: Identities Reflection
Early in the semester, we have begun examining various dimensions of identity and areas of privilege and oppression. Select two aspects of your own identity (e.g., sex, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ability status) – one that holds oppressed status in our society and another that holds privileged status in our society (Note: in deciding on identity dimensions, you can opt to select aspects of your identity that might contribute to your feelings marginalized within particular contexts) – and reflect on how these identity dimensions have impacted your self-perceptions and interactions with others.
Below are some questions, which might be helpful in guiding your exploration (feel free to cover other aspects of these identities, if you prefer). Should you decide to follow the discussion prompts, feel free to devote time and space in response to the questions that you find to be more personally meaningful, while responding more succinctly (e.g., a short phrase or sentence) to those questions that are less relevant or personally meaningful.
What is the identity status/aspect of identity you are describing? How do you identify in terms of this aspect of identity? On what basis do you answer this question?
What is your earliest memory of being aware of this identity status?
What information were you given about the roles associated with this aspect of identity? What about those who differ in this aspect of identity?
What are some experiences and interactions you’ve had that have been affected by this identity status? How does this affect your daily life? Think broadly here; not only about negatives interactions (if you’ve had any), but also about situations where things were easy or thoughtless (meaning not requiring major thought).
How do you think/feel about people with differing identity statuses? How do people with differing identity statuses think/feel about people like you?
How might this identity status (your view of it, your feelings about it, others’ views of it, etc.) affect your practice of social work or psychology (research, clinical, or teaching), your practice of psychotherapy specifically, and your clients’ experience of you?
Also, feel free to reflect on, for example, what it was like to read about, consider, or listen to others share their experiences and perspectives about each of these identity dimensions or to not yet have those identity dimensions addressed in class. Feel free to describe any thoughts or feelings that emerged for you.
Papers are to be 2-3 pages, double-spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font and one inch margins.