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CIO of a company

The must impotent points you have to mention in this professional Blog are:
1-Intro to problem addressed by this research
2-Nature of research process
3-Results of research process
4- A clear and actionable recommendation addressed to the CIO of a company

Abstract—Cloud computing is the concept implemented to
remedy the Daily Computing Problems. Cloud computing is
basically virtual pool of resources and it provides these
resources to users via internet. It offers a range of services for
end users; among which there’s Storage as a service. In recent
years, Storage in Cloud gained popularity among both
companies and private users. However, data privacy, security,
reliability and interoperability issues still have to be adequately
solved. But the most important problem is security and how
cloud provider assures it. In this paper, we have proposed a
simple, secure, and privacy-preserving architecture for inter-
Cloud data sharing. This architecture is based on an
encryption/decryption algorithm which aims to protect the
data stored in the cloud from the unauthorized access.
Index Terms— AES, Cloud Storage, cryptography, Data
security, Decryption, Encryption, RSA
LOUD computing is a “new” computer model that
allows using remote services through a network using
various resources. It is basically meant to give the maximum
capacity with the minimum resources. The end user has the
minimum hardware requirement, but he uses the maximum
capability of computing. This is possible only through this
technology which requires and utilizes its resources in the
best way. Cloud Computing provides IT services as ondemand
services, accessible from anywhere, anytime and by
authorized user.
Recently Storage as a service (STaaS) Cloud gained
popularity both among private users and companies [1].
STaaS is a Cloud business model in which a service
provider rents space in its storage infrastructure to
individuals or companies. The data stored in the cloud can
be sensitive to the business. The problematic is that these
data are likely to be exploited by the provider or other
unauthorized persons. Currently, the most of users of cloud
storage protect their data with SLAs contracts and are based
on the trust and reputation of the provider. This weakness
has motivated us to think about solutions that enable users to
secure their data to prevent malicious use.
Zaid KARTIT, Laboratory of Research in Informatics and
Telecommunication (LRIT), University of Mohammed V, Faculty of
Sciences, Rabat, Morocco, (e-mail: [email protected]).
Mohamed EL MARRAKI is with Laboratory of Research in Informatics
and Telecommunication (LRIT), University of Mohammed V, Faculty of
Sciences, Rabat, Morocco, (e-mail: [email protected]).
Despite the strengths that represent cloud computing generally
and cloud storage specially; there are a number of research
challenges such as mobility, interoperability, storage access [3],
security, cost, energy efficiency, etc.
Security is a major obstacle limiting its spread. There are
various opinions on the security of cloud computing which deal
with the positives and negatives of it [2].
This document is presented as follows: Firstly, it gives a
comprehensive definition and the characteristics of cloud
computing. Secondly, it describes layers and their technologies
related to this concept. Thirdly, it describes the different types of
cloud computing and their characteristics. Fourthly, it describes
our model proposed of securing data in cloud storage algorithm
for encryption/decryption for outsourcing data in cloud storage
and then the general conclusion.
A. Definition
Cloud Computing is an important concept in computer
development in recent years. This concept refers to the use of
computing capacity and storage of computers and servers in the
world over the Internet. Cloud services allow individuals and
businesses to use software and hardware that are managed by
third parties at remote locations. Examples of cloud services
include online file storage, social networking sites, webmail, and
online business applications. Cloud computing provides a shared
pool of resources, including data storage space, networks,
computer processing power, and specialized corporate and user
B. Essential Characteristics
Cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five
essential characteristics[4]:
On-demand self-service
A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities,
such as email, applications, and network or server service, as
needed automatically without requiring human interaction with
each service provider.
Broad network access
Capabilities are available over the network and accessed
through standard mechanisms that promote use by
heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile
phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations).
Applying Encryption Algorithm to Enhance
Data Security in Cloud Storage
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 277
Resource pooling
The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve
multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with
different physical and virtual resources dynamically
assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
Examples of resources include storage, processing, memory,
and network bandwidth.
Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in
some cases automatically, to scale rapidly outward and
inward commensurate with demand.
Measured service
Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource
use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of
abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage,
processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource
usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and consumer of the
utilized service.
There are different layers of cloud services that refer to
different types of service model, each offering discrete
capabilities. Apart from management and administration, the
major layers are[2]:
A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Infrastructure as a service delivers computing resources as
a service, servers, network devices, and storage disks are
made available to organizations as services on a need-to
Virtualization, allows IaaS providers to offer almost
unlimited instances of servers to clients, while making costeffective
use of the hosting hardware.
Companies can use IaaS to build new versions of
applications or environments without having to invest in
physical IT assets. Some cloud solutions also rely solely on
this layer like the Amazon’s product EC2, Amazon S3.
B. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
This layer provides a platform for creating applications.
PaaS solutions are essentially development platforms for
which the development tool itself is hosted in the Cloud and
accessed through internet. With PaaS, developers can build
Web applications without installing any tools on their
computers and then deploy those applications without any
specialized systems administration skills.
Examples include Google App Engine, Force.com and
Microsoft Azure.
C. Software as a Service (SaaS)
This layer includes applications that run off the Cloud and
are available on demand to Web and paid for on a per-use
basis, anytime-anywhere basis. There is no need to install
and run the special software on your computer if you use the
SaaS. A more efficient form is fine grained multi-tenancy [5].
The concept of SaaS is attractive and some software runs well
as cloud computing, but the delay of network is fatal to real time
or half real time applications such as 3D online game [6].
Examples include online word processing and spreadsheet tools,
customer relationship management (CRM) services and web
content delivery services (Salesforce CRM, Google Docs, etc.).
These three are the main layers, although there can also be other
forms of service provided, such as business process as a service,
data as a service, security as a service, storage as a service
(object of our paper), etc.
A. Private Cloud
Private cloud is a new term that some vendors have recently
used to describe offerings that emulate cloud computing on
private networks. It is set up within an organization’s internal
enterprise datacenter. In the private cloud, scalable resources
and virtual applications provided by the cloud vendor are pooled
together and available for cloud users to share and use. Only the
organization and designated stakeholders may have access to
operate on a specific Private cloud [7].
B. Public cloud
A public cloud is a model which allows users access to the
services and infrastructure and are provided off-site over the
Internet [8]. It’s typically based on a pay-per-use model, similar
to a prepaid electricity metering system which is flexible enough
to cater for spikes in demand for cloud optimization. Public
clouds are managed by third parties or vendors over the Internet.
Public clouds are less secure than the other cloud models
because it places an additional burden of ensuring all
applications and data accessed on the public cloud are not
subjected to malicious attacks. However, security and
governance issues must be well planned and ample security
controls was put in place.
C. Hybrid cloud
A new concept combining resources from both internal and
external providers will become the most popular choice for
enterprises. A hybrid cloud is a combination of public and
private cloud models that tries to address the limitations of each
approach. In a hybrid cloud, part of the service infrastructure
runs in private clouds while the remaining part runs in public
clouds. Hybrid clouds offer more flexibility than both public and
private clouds. Specifically, they provide tighter control and
security over application data compared to public clouds, while
still facilitating on-demand service expansion and contraction.
On the down side, designing a hybrid cloud requires carefully
determining the best split between public and private cloud
components [9].
D. Community cloud
This model is rarely offered; the infrastructure is shared by
several organizations for a shared cause and may be managed
internally or a third party service provider. It brings together, in
general, the structures with same interest (mostly security) and
may even be in the same field of activity [10].
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 278
Security in cloud computing involves concepts such as
network security, equipment and control strategies deployed
to protect data, applications and infrastructure associated
with cloud computing. An important aspect of cloud is the
notion of interconnection with various materials which
makes it difficult and necessary securing these
environments. Security issues in a cloud platform can lead
to economic loss, also a bad reputation if the platform is
oriented large public and are the cause behind the massive
adoption of this new solution. The data stored in the cloud
for customers represents vital information. This is why the
infringement of such data by an unauthorized third party is
unacceptable. There are two ways to attack data in Cloud.
One is outsider attack and the other is insider attack. The
insider is an administrator who can have the possibility to
hack the user’s data. The insider attack is very difficult to be
identified. So the users should be very careful while storing
their data in cloud storage. Hence, the need to think of
methods that impede the use of data even though the data is
accessed by the third party, he shouldn’t get the actual data.
So, all the data must be encrypted before it is transmitted to
the cloud storage [11].
Security allows the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity
and availability of information. The development of
technologies and their standardization makes available a set
of algorithms and protocols for responding to these issues.
Asymmetric cryptography is a class of cryptographic
algorithms which requires two separate keys, one of which is
secret (or private) and one of which is public. Although
different, the two parts of this key pair are mathematically
linked. The public key is used to encrypt plaintext or to
verify a digital signature; whereas the private key is used to
decrypt cipher text or to create a digital signature. In our
paper we used RSA algorithm through its robustness.
RSA Algorithm
The most common Public Key algorithm is RSA, named
for its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman of MIT. RSA
is basically an asymmetric encryption/decryption algorithm.
Public key distributed to all through which one can encrypt
the message and private key which is used for decryption is
kept secret and is not shared to everyone. It based on
exponentiation in a finite field over integers modulo a prime
RSA uses Euler’s Theorem: ????Ø(????)mod(n) = 1 where
gcd(a,n)=1 in RSA we have to initially calculate n=p.q such
that Ø(????)=(p-1)(q-1) one has to carefully chose e and d to be
inverses mod ø(n).
To encrypt a message M we have to obtain public key of
recipient Pu={????, ????} to calculate the cipher: C=????????mod(n),
where 0=M<n. It is important that the message M must be
smaller than the modulus n. Similarly for decryption the
recipient uses their private key Pr={????, ????} and computes:
Fig 1 shows the graph of RSA decryption time by key length.
Fig 1: RSA decryption time by key length
Symmetric-key algorithms are a class of algorithms for
cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both
encryption of plaintext and decryption of cipher text. The keys
may be identical or there may be a simple transformation to go
between the two keys. The keys, in practice, represent a shared
secret between two or more parties that can be used to maintain
a private information link. This requirement that both parties
have access to the secret key is one of the main drawbacks of
symmetric key encryption, in comparison to public-key
AES Algorithm
AES is a variant of Rijndael which has a fixed block size of
128 bits, and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The key size
used for an AES cipher specifies the number of repetitions of
transformations rounds. The number of cycles of repetition is as
follows (see fig 2):
• 10 cycles of repetition for 128-bit keys.
• 12 cycles of repetition for 192-bit keys.
• 14 cycles of repetition for 256-bit keys.
Fig 2: Illustration of the AES Algorithm
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 279
The advantages of AES are many. AES is not susceptible
to any attack but Brute Force attack. However, Brute Force
attack is not an easy job even for a super computer. This is
because the encryption key size used by AES algorithm is of
the order 128, 192 or 256 bits which results in billions of
permutations and combinations. High speed [12] and low
RAM requirements were criteria of the AES selection
process. Thus AES performs well on a wide variety of
hardware; from 8-bit smart cards to high-performance
computers. AES is also much faster than the traditional
algorithms; therefore in our work AES is adopted [15].
Recently Compact AES S-box is developed to be more
efficient [16].
C. Related work
Security storage in cloud computing has been the object of
several researches. In [13], they have addressed the security
issues associated in cloud data storage and have explored
many of them. Whenever a data vulnerability is perceived
during the storage process, a precision verification across the
distributed servers are ensured by simultaneous identification
of the misbehaving nodes through analysis in term of
security malfunctioning. It is proved that their scheme is
effective to handle certain failures, malicious data
modification attack, and even server colluding attacks.
In [13], the proposed technique emphasizes classical
encryption techniques by integrating substitution cipher and
transposition cipher. Both substitution and transposition
techniques have used alphabet for cipher text.
In [14], it suggests the SPKS scheme for cloud storage
services to allow users to efficiently access files containing
certain keywords in a cloud anytime and anywhere using any
The above problems motivate us to provide a correct, safe
and efficient algorithm for securing data saved in cloud
storage. This algorithm suggests the encryption of the files to
be uploaded on the cloud. The integrity and confidentiality of
the data uploaded by the user is ensured doubly by not only
encrypting it but also providing access to the data only on
successful authentication. The existed file on the device will
be encrypted using AES algorithm. To enhance security;
AES key will be encrypted using RSA algorithm and will be
stored in intern server. The authorized user can also
download any of the uploaded encrypted files and read it on
the system (see Fig 3).
Fig 3: Model proposed of data storage in cloud computing
A. File Upload
This algorithm got two phases. In the first phase, the algorithm
encrypts Clair text with AES Algorithm. In the second phase, we
encrypt AES key using RSA-1024 algorithm.
Our algorithm uses a set of the following functions:
NumberOfBlock(F) : It returns the number of
block in the file F.
ENC_AES (B,K) : It encrypts the block B using AES
Algorithm with key K.
send_to_cloud(F’) : It permits to send the encrypted file F in
Cloud storage
ENC_RSA(k) : It encrypts k using RSA Algorithm.
Save_in_server(K’) : It permits to save K’ in the server
Algorithm 1.0: FILE_UPLOAD
1. Encrypt_file (F) {
2. /* algorithm to encrypt file onto cloud storage */
3. /* to transform Clair text in file F into Cipher text in file F’ */
5. /* Phase 1: Encrypt Clair text with AES Algorithm 6. */
7. for B?1 to numberOfBlock(F) do
8. {
9. B’=ENC_AES(B,K)
10. }
11. send_to_cloud(F’)
12. /* Phase 2: Encrypt AES key with RSA Algrithm */
13. for k?1 to SizeOf(K) do
14. {
15. k’=ENC_RSA(k)
16. }.
17. Save_in_server(K’)
18. }.
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 280
B. File Download
This algorithm got also two phases. in the first phase, the
algorithm decrypts AES key using RSA Algorithm. In the
second phase, it decrypts cipher text using AES key
retrieved from the server.
Our algorithm uses a set of the following functions:
NumberOfBlock(F) : It returns the number of
block in the file F.
DEC_RSA(k’) : It decrypts k’ using RSA Algorithm.
DEC_AES(B’,K) : It decrypts the block B’ using AES
Algorithm with key K.
Algorithm 1.0: FILE_DOWNLOAD
1. Decrypt_file (F’) {
2. /* algorithm to decrypt file downloaded from cloud storage
3. /* to transform Cipher text in file F’ into Clair text in file F
5. /* Phase 1: Decrypt AES Key with RSA Algorithm */
7. for k’?1 to SizeOf(K’) do
8. {
9. k=DEC_RSA(k’)
10. }
11. return(K)
13. /* Phase 2: Decrypt Cipher text with AES Algorithm */
14. for B’?1 to numberOfBlock(F’) do
15. {
16. B=DEC_AES(B’,K)
17. }.
18. return(F)
19. }.
C. Implement results and analysis
The implementation of results in this section highlights the
time of execution in upload and in download of files with
different sizes. Our application is developed in java 7.
The result obtained is in table 1 and Fig 6 using a PC hp
Compaq dc 5800 with the following specifications: Intel (R)
Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz (2 CPUs), with
3072MB of RAM. The download time is greater than the
upload time. This is explained by the addition of key
recovery time on server.
Table I
Fig 6: Graph of time execution of our algorithm
Fig 7 and Table 2 show the execution time required by
different size text files and different AES key size for encryption
Table II
Fig 7: Graph of encryption time execution of our algorithm with
different AES key size
File size (Kb) 128 256 512 1024 2048
Time in Upload
(second) 0,2025 0,4051 0,8118 1,6201 3,2903
Time in download
(second) 0,4225 0,8452 1,6905 3,3802 6,7711
File size
Key size 128 256 512 1024 2048
128 0,198 0,397 0,794 1,587 3,1744
192 0,224 0,448 0,896 1,792 3,584
256 0,25 0,499 0,998 1,997 3,9936
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 281
Our algorithm has the following advantages and strengths:
– The data sent to cloud is encrypted from the source
machine to the destination machine and the
decryption key does not exist in the cloud.
– AES algorithm used is a safe, fast symmetric
algorithm and is one of the most secure encryption
algorithms. It has not been broken to date. It means
that our algorithm is fast in both directions: upload
and download.
– Ability to change the symmetric key frequently to
enhance security.
– The AES key used for encryption of the data is
encrypted by RSA-1024 algorithm robust and has
never been broken.
– The decryption of data requires double
authentication. The user must have access rights to
the company’s server and cloud storage.
Although Cloud storage has many advantages, there are
still many actual problems concerning security that need to
be solved. If we can eliminate or master this weakness of
security, the future is going to be Cloud storage solutions for
large as well as small companies.
In this paper, we have suggested a solution that allows
storage of data in an open cloud. Data security is provided
by implementing our algorithm. Only the authorized user
can access the data. Even if an intruder (unauthorized user)
gets the data accidentally or intentionally, he can’t decrypt it
and needs two keys coming from two different locations. As
perspectives, we will focus on several possible directions in
this area, especially in the homomorphic encryption
[1] KOLODNER, Elliot K., TAL, Sivan, KYRIAZIS, Dimosthenis, et
al. A cloud environment for data-intensive storage services. In
: Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2011
IEEE Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2011. p. 357-366.
[2] P. Arora, R. C. Wadhawan, and E. S. P. Ahuja, « Cloud Computing
Security Issues in Infrastructure as a Service », Int. J. Adv. Res.
Comput. Sci. Softw. Eng., vol. 2, no 1, 2012.
[3] M. D. K. Kumar, G. V. Rao, and G. S. Rao, « Cloud Computing: An
Analysis of Its Challenges & Cloud Computing: An Analysis of Its
Challenges & Security Issues ».
[4] N. Mehta and V. K. Gupta, « A Survey on Use of SaaS of Cloud in
Education ». International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and
Trust 2013
[5] Chunye Gong, Jie Liu, Qiang Zhang, Haitao Chen and Zhenghu
Gong «The Characteristics of Cloud Computing» 39th International
Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops 2010
al. Enabling multi-tenancy: An industrial experience report. In
: Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2010 IEEE International
Conference on. IEEE, 2010. p. 1-8.
COMPUTING » Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology 31 st January 2014. Vol. 59 No.3
[8] Kuyoro S. O, Ibikunle F. & Awodele O « Cloud Computing Security
Issues and Challenges » International Journal of Computer Networks
(IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
[9] Chunye Gong, Jie Liu, Qiang Zhang, Haitao Chen and Zhenghu
Gongng « The Characteristics of Cloud Computing » 2010 39th
International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshopse
Brazilian Computer Society 2010
[10]…SO, Kuyoro. Cloud computing security issues
andchallenges. International Journal of Computer Networks, 2011, vol. 3,
no 5.
[11] L. Arockiam, S. Monikandan « Data Security and Privacy in Cloud
Storage using Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Algorithm » International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013
[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_implementations : This web site gives
various implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard, and also
AES speed at 128, 192 and 256-bit key sizes.
[13] Cong Wang, Qian Wang and Kui Ren,”Ensuring Data Storage
Security in Cloud computing”978-1- 4244 -3876-1/2009 IEEE
[14] LIU, Qin, WANG, Guojun, et WU, Jie. Secure and privacy preserving
keyword searching for cloud storage services. Journal of network and
computer applications, 2012, vol. 35, no 3, p. 927-933.
[15] NAGENDRA, M. et SEKHAR, M. Chandra. Performance Improvement
of Advanced Encryption Algorithm using Parallel Imputation.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 2014,
vol. 8, no 2, p. 287-296.
[16] Xiaoqiang ZHANG, Ning WU, Gaizhen YAN, and Liling DONG,
“Hardware Implementation of Compact AES S-box,” IAENG
International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 42, no.2, pp125-131, 2015
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 282
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CIO of a company

The must impotent points you have to mention in this professional Blog are:
1-Intro to problem addressed by this research
2-Nature of research process
3-Results of research process
4- A clear and actionable recommendation addressed to the CIO of a company

Abstract—Cloud computing is the concept implemented to
remedy the Daily Computing Problems. Cloud computing is
basically virtual pool of resources and it provides these
resources to users via internet. It offers a range of services for
end users; among which there’s Storage as a service. In recent
years, Storage in Cloud gained popularity among both
companies and private users. However, data privacy, security,
reliability and interoperability issues still have to be adequately
solved. But the most important problem is security and how
cloud provider assures it. In this paper, we have proposed a
simple, secure, and privacy-preserving architecture for inter-
Cloud data sharing. This architecture is based on an
encryption/decryption algorithm which aims to protect the
data stored in the cloud from the unauthorized access.
Index Terms— AES, Cloud Storage, cryptography, Data
security, Decryption, Encryption, RSA
LOUD computing is a “new” computer model that
allows using remote services through a network using
various resources. It is basically meant to give the maximum
capacity with the minimum resources. The end user has the
minimum hardware requirement, but he uses the maximum
capability of computing. This is possible only through this
technology which requires and utilizes its resources in the
best way. Cloud Computing provides IT services as ondemand
services, accessible from anywhere, anytime and by
authorized user.
Recently Storage as a service (STaaS) Cloud gained
popularity both among private users and companies [1].
STaaS is a Cloud business model in which a service
provider rents space in its storage infrastructure to
individuals or companies. The data stored in the cloud can
be sensitive to the business. The problematic is that these
data are likely to be exploited by the provider or other
unauthorized persons. Currently, the most of users of cloud
storage protect their data with SLAs contracts and are based
on the trust and reputation of the provider. This weakness
has motivated us to think about solutions that enable users to
secure their data to prevent malicious use.
Zaid KARTIT, Laboratory of Research in Informatics and
Telecommunication (LRIT), University of Mohammed V, Faculty of
Sciences, Rabat, Morocco, (e-mail: [email protected]).
Mohamed EL MARRAKI is with Laboratory of Research in Informatics
and Telecommunication (LRIT), University of Mohammed V, Faculty of
Sciences, Rabat, Morocco, (e-mail: [email protected]).
Despite the strengths that represent cloud computing generally
and cloud storage specially; there are a number of research
challenges such as mobility, interoperability, storage access [3],
security, cost, energy efficiency, etc.
Security is a major obstacle limiting its spread. There are
various opinions on the security of cloud computing which deal
with the positives and negatives of it [2].
This document is presented as follows: Firstly, it gives a
comprehensive definition and the characteristics of cloud
computing. Secondly, it describes layers and their technologies
related to this concept. Thirdly, it describes the different types of
cloud computing and their characteristics. Fourthly, it describes
our model proposed of securing data in cloud storage algorithm
for encryption/decryption for outsourcing data in cloud storage
and then the general conclusion.
A. Definition
Cloud Computing is an important concept in computer
development in recent years. This concept refers to the use of
computing capacity and storage of computers and servers in the
world over the Internet. Cloud services allow individuals and
businesses to use software and hardware that are managed by
third parties at remote locations. Examples of cloud services
include online file storage, social networking sites, webmail, and
online business applications. Cloud computing provides a shared
pool of resources, including data storage space, networks,
computer processing power, and specialized corporate and user
B. Essential Characteristics
Cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five
essential characteristics[4]:
On-demand self-service
A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities,
such as email, applications, and network or server service, as
needed automatically without requiring human interaction with
each service provider.
Broad network access
Capabilities are available over the network and accessed
through standard mechanisms that promote use by
heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile
phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations).
Applying Encryption Algorithm to Enhance
Data Security in Cloud Storage
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 277
Resource pooling
The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve
multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with
different physical and virtual resources dynamically
assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
Examples of resources include storage, processing, memory,
and network bandwidth.
Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in
some cases automatically, to scale rapidly outward and
inward commensurate with demand.
Measured service
Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource
use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of
abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage,
processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource
usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and consumer of the
utilized service.
There are different layers of cloud services that refer to
different types of service model, each offering discrete
capabilities. Apart from management and administration, the
major layers are[2]:
A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Infrastructure as a service delivers computing resources as
a service, servers, network devices, and storage disks are
made available to organizations as services on a need-to
Virtualization, allows IaaS providers to offer almost
unlimited instances of servers to clients, while making costeffective
use of the hosting hardware.
Companies can use IaaS to build new versions of
applications or environments without having to invest in
physical IT assets. Some cloud solutions also rely solely on
this layer like the Amazon’s product EC2, Amazon S3.
B. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
This layer provides a platform for creating applications.
PaaS solutions are essentially development platforms for
which the development tool itself is hosted in the Cloud and
accessed through internet. With PaaS, developers can build
Web applications without installing any tools on their
computers and then deploy those applications without any
specialized systems administration skills.
Examples include Google App Engine, Force.com and
Microsoft Azure.
C. Software as a Service (SaaS)
This layer includes applications that run off the Cloud and
are available on demand to Web and paid for on a per-use
basis, anytime-anywhere basis. There is no need to install
and run the special software on your computer if you use the
SaaS. A more efficient form is fine grained multi-tenancy [5].
The concept of SaaS is attractive and some software runs well
as cloud computing, but the delay of network is fatal to real time
or half real time applications such as 3D online game [6].
Examples include online word processing and spreadsheet tools,
customer relationship management (CRM) services and web
content delivery services (Salesforce CRM, Google Docs, etc.).
These three are the main layers, although there can also be other
forms of service provided, such as business process as a service,
data as a service, security as a service, storage as a service
(object of our paper), etc.
A. Private Cloud
Private cloud is a new term that some vendors have recently
used to describe offerings that emulate cloud computing on
private networks. It is set up within an organization’s internal
enterprise datacenter. In the private cloud, scalable resources
and virtual applications provided by the cloud vendor are pooled
together and available for cloud users to share and use. Only the
organization and designated stakeholders may have access to
operate on a specific Private cloud [7].
B. Public cloud
A public cloud is a model which allows users access to the
services and infrastructure and are provided off-site over the
Internet [8]. It’s typically based on a pay-per-use model, similar
to a prepaid electricity metering system which is flexible enough
to cater for spikes in demand for cloud optimization. Public
clouds are managed by third parties or vendors over the Internet.
Public clouds are less secure than the other cloud models
because it places an additional burden of ensuring all
applications and data accessed on the public cloud are not
subjected to malicious attacks. However, security and
governance issues must be well planned and ample security
controls was put in place.
C. Hybrid cloud
A new concept combining resources from both internal and
external providers will become the most popular choice for
enterprises. A hybrid cloud is a combination of public and
private cloud models that tries to address the limitations of each
approach. In a hybrid cloud, part of the service infrastructure
runs in private clouds while the remaining part runs in public
clouds. Hybrid clouds offer more flexibility than both public and
private clouds. Specifically, they provide tighter control and
security over application data compared to public clouds, while
still facilitating on-demand service expansion and contraction.
On the down side, designing a hybrid cloud requires carefully
determining the best split between public and private cloud
components [9].
D. Community cloud
This model is rarely offered; the infrastructure is shared by
several organizations for a shared cause and may be managed
internally or a third party service provider. It brings together, in
general, the structures with same interest (mostly security) and
may even be in the same field of activity [10].
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 278
Security in cloud computing involves concepts such as
network security, equipment and control strategies deployed
to protect data, applications and infrastructure associated
with cloud computing. An important aspect of cloud is the
notion of interconnection with various materials which
makes it difficult and necessary securing these
environments. Security issues in a cloud platform can lead
to economic loss, also a bad reputation if the platform is
oriented large public and are the cause behind the massive
adoption of this new solution. The data stored in the cloud
for customers represents vital information. This is why the
infringement of such data by an unauthorized third party is
unacceptable. There are two ways to attack data in Cloud.
One is outsider attack and the other is insider attack. The
insider is an administrator who can have the possibility to
hack the user’s data. The insider attack is very difficult to be
identified. So the users should be very careful while storing
their data in cloud storage. Hence, the need to think of
methods that impede the use of data even though the data is
accessed by the third party, he shouldn’t get the actual data.
So, all the data must be encrypted before it is transmitted to
the cloud storage [11].
Security allows the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity
and availability of information. The development of
technologies and their standardization makes available a set
of algorithms and protocols for responding to these issues.
Asymmetric cryptography is a class of cryptographic
algorithms which requires two separate keys, one of which is
secret (or private) and one of which is public. Although
different, the two parts of this key pair are mathematically
linked. The public key is used to encrypt plaintext or to
verify a digital signature; whereas the private key is used to
decrypt cipher text or to create a digital signature. In our
paper we used RSA algorithm through its robustness.
RSA Algorithm
The most common Public Key algorithm is RSA, named
for its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman of MIT. RSA
is basically an asymmetric encryption/decryption algorithm.
Public key distributed to all through which one can encrypt
the message and private key which is used for decryption is
kept secret and is not shared to everyone. It based on
exponentiation in a finite field over integers modulo a prime
RSA uses Euler’s Theorem: ????Ø(????)mod(n) = 1 where
gcd(a,n)=1 in RSA we have to initially calculate n=p.q such
that Ø(????)=(p-1)(q-1) one has to carefully chose e and d to be
inverses mod ø(n).
To encrypt a message M we have to obtain public key of
recipient Pu={????, ????} to calculate the cipher: C=????????mod(n),
where 0=M<n. It is important that the message M must be
smaller than the modulus n. Similarly for decryption the
recipient uses their private key Pr={????, ????} and computes:
Fig 1 shows the graph of RSA decryption time by key length.
Fig 1: RSA decryption time by key length
Symmetric-key algorithms are a class of algorithms for
cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both
encryption of plaintext and decryption of cipher text. The keys
may be identical or there may be a simple transformation to go
between the two keys. The keys, in practice, represent a shared
secret between two or more parties that can be used to maintain
a private information link. This requirement that both parties
have access to the secret key is one of the main drawbacks of
symmetric key encryption, in comparison to public-key
AES Algorithm
AES is a variant of Rijndael which has a fixed block size of
128 bits, and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The key size
used for an AES cipher specifies the number of repetitions of
transformations rounds. The number of cycles of repetition is as
follows (see fig 2):
• 10 cycles of repetition for 128-bit keys.
• 12 cycles of repetition for 192-bit keys.
• 14 cycles of repetition for 256-bit keys.
Fig 2: Illustration of the AES Algorithm
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 279
The advantages of AES are many. AES is not susceptible
to any attack but Brute Force attack. However, Brute Force
attack is not an easy job even for a super computer. This is
because the encryption key size used by AES algorithm is of
the order 128, 192 or 256 bits which results in billions of
permutations and combinations. High speed [12] and low
RAM requirements were criteria of the AES selection
process. Thus AES performs well on a wide variety of
hardware; from 8-bit smart cards to high-performance
computers. AES is also much faster than the traditional
algorithms; therefore in our work AES is adopted [15].
Recently Compact AES S-box is developed to be more
efficient [16].
C. Related work
Security storage in cloud computing has been the object of
several researches. In [13], they have addressed the security
issues associated in cloud data storage and have explored
many of them. Whenever a data vulnerability is perceived
during the storage process, a precision verification across the
distributed servers are ensured by simultaneous identification
of the misbehaving nodes through analysis in term of
security malfunctioning. It is proved that their scheme is
effective to handle certain failures, malicious data
modification attack, and even server colluding attacks.
In [13], the proposed technique emphasizes classical
encryption techniques by integrating substitution cipher and
transposition cipher. Both substitution and transposition
techniques have used alphabet for cipher text.
In [14], it suggests the SPKS scheme for cloud storage
services to allow users to efficiently access files containing
certain keywords in a cloud anytime and anywhere using any
The above problems motivate us to provide a correct, safe
and efficient algorithm for securing data saved in cloud
storage. This algorithm suggests the encryption of the files to
be uploaded on the cloud. The integrity and confidentiality of
the data uploaded by the user is ensured doubly by not only
encrypting it but also providing access to the data only on
successful authentication. The existed file on the device will
be encrypted using AES algorithm. To enhance security;
AES key will be encrypted using RSA algorithm and will be
stored in intern server. The authorized user can also
download any of the uploaded encrypted files and read it on
the system (see Fig 3).
Fig 3: Model proposed of data storage in cloud computing
A. File Upload
This algorithm got two phases. In the first phase, the algorithm
encrypts Clair text with AES Algorithm. In the second phase, we
encrypt AES key using RSA-1024 algorithm.
Our algorithm uses a set of the following functions:
NumberOfBlock(F) : It returns the number of
block in the file F.
ENC_AES (B,K) : It encrypts the block B using AES
Algorithm with key K.
send_to_cloud(F’) : It permits to send the encrypted file F in
Cloud storage
ENC_RSA(k) : It encrypts k using RSA Algorithm.
Save_in_server(K’) : It permits to save K’ in the server
Algorithm 1.0: FILE_UPLOAD
1. Encrypt_file (F) {
2. /* algorithm to encrypt file onto cloud storage */
3. /* to transform Clair text in file F into Cipher text in file F’ */
5. /* Phase 1: Encrypt Clair text with AES Algorithm 6. */
7. for B?1 to numberOfBlock(F) do
8. {
9. B’=ENC_AES(B,K)
10. }
11. send_to_cloud(F’)
12. /* Phase 2: Encrypt AES key with RSA Algrithm */
13. for k?1 to SizeOf(K) do
14. {
15. k’=ENC_RSA(k)
16. }.
17. Save_in_server(K’)
18. }.
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 280
B. File Download
This algorithm got also two phases. in the first phase, the
algorithm decrypts AES key using RSA Algorithm. In the
second phase, it decrypts cipher text using AES key
retrieved from the server.
Our algorithm uses a set of the following functions:
NumberOfBlock(F) : It returns the number of
block in the file F.
DEC_RSA(k’) : It decrypts k’ using RSA Algorithm.
DEC_AES(B’,K) : It decrypts the block B’ using AES
Algorithm with key K.
Algorithm 1.0: FILE_DOWNLOAD
1. Decrypt_file (F’) {
2. /* algorithm to decrypt file downloaded from cloud storage
3. /* to transform Cipher text in file F’ into Clair text in file F
5. /* Phase 1: Decrypt AES Key with RSA Algorithm */
7. for k’?1 to SizeOf(K’) do
8. {
9. k=DEC_RSA(k’)
10. }
11. return(K)
13. /* Phase 2: Decrypt Cipher text with AES Algorithm */
14. for B’?1 to numberOfBlock(F’) do
15. {
16. B=DEC_AES(B’,K)
17. }.
18. return(F)
19. }.
C. Implement results and analysis
The implementation of results in this section highlights the
time of execution in upload and in download of files with
different sizes. Our application is developed in java 7.
The result obtained is in table 1 and Fig 6 using a PC hp
Compaq dc 5800 with the following specifications: Intel (R)
Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz (2 CPUs), with
3072MB of RAM. The download time is greater than the
upload time. This is explained by the addition of key
recovery time on server.
Table I
Fig 6: Graph of time execution of our algorithm
Fig 7 and Table 2 show the execution time required by
different size text files and different AES key size for encryption
Table II
Fig 7: Graph of encryption time execution of our algorithm with
different AES key size
File size (Kb) 128 256 512 1024 2048
Time in Upload
(second) 0,2025 0,4051 0,8118 1,6201 3,2903
Time in download
(second) 0,4225 0,8452 1,6905 3,3802 6,7711
File size
Key size 128 256 512 1024 2048
128 0,198 0,397 0,794 1,587 3,1744
192 0,224 0,448 0,896 1,792 3,584
256 0,25 0,499 0,998 1,997 3,9936
Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
Page 281
Our algorithm has the following advantages and strengths:
– The data sent to cloud is encrypted from the source
machine to the destination machine and the
decryption key does not exist in the cloud.
– AES algorithm used is a safe, fast symmetric
algorithm and is one of the most secure encryption
algorithms. It has not been broken to date. It means
that our algorithm is fast in both directions: upload
and download.
– Ability to change the symmetric key frequently to
enhance security.
– The AES key used for encryption of the data is
encrypted by RSA-1024 algorithm robust and has
never been broken.
– The decryption of data requires double
authentication. The user must have access rights to
the company’s server and cloud storage.
Although Cloud storage has many advantages, there are
still many actual problems concerning security that need to
be solved. If we can eliminate or master this weakness of
security, the future is going to be Cloud storage solutions for
large as well as small companies.
In this paper, we have suggested a solution that allows
storage of data in an open cloud. Data security is provided
by implementing our algorithm. Only the authorized user
can access the data. Even if an intruder (unauthorized user)
gets the data accidentally or intentionally, he can’t decrypt it
and needs two keys coming from two different locations. As
perspectives, we will focus on several possible directions in
this area, especially in the homomorphic encryption
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Engineering Letters, 23:4, 2015
International Association of Engineers
ISSN: 1816-093X (Print); 1816-0948 (Online)
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