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health care

Guidelines: This assignment requires you to post an original thought that may require some research and outside readings and respond to at least one of your classmates thoughts. In total, you will need to make a minimum of two posts. Your original thought must be at least two paragraphs in length with five sentences in each paragraph (should include a citation – see info on “sources” below). Your response post must be at least one paragraph in length with five sentences (does not need a citation). While the original post should include a citation, please remember that this is not a formal academic paper and your postings should retain a “discussion” flavor (however “texting terms” are not acceptable.

Topic: A hospital has on staff an orthopedic surgeon who is found to be HIV-positive. The hospital initially terminates the doctor’s surgical privileges then reinstates them on the condition that he notifies his patients of his HIV status prior to performing any procedures. The hospital also removes the doctor from referral lists for two non-surgical clinics it operates and widely circulates information to colleagues, staff and others who made referrals to the doctor that he is no longer providing patient care. The hospital asserts this was necessary to ensure patient safety. The doctor files suit and says the hospital is discriminating against him under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Previous cases have examined four factors in determining whether a person disabled by a communicable disease poses a “significant risk” sufficient to justify discrimination. These include: 1) the nature of the risk (how the disease is transmitted); 2) the duration of the risk (how long the carrier is infectious); 3) the severity of the risk (the potential harm to third parties), and 4) the probability that the disease will be transmitted and cause varying degrees of harm. The doctor argues that the risk of HIV transmission is infinitely small, less so than the risks associated with radiation from various machines used in patient care. He also points out that the hospital has other quality of care issues and it was more likely that a patient would die from a surgical mistake made by a physician than by him infecting the patient with HIV. He further argues that physicians with drug or alcohol abuse problems are not required to disclose this information to patients. The hospital maintains that its primary concern is patient safety, and that contracting HIV would result in a debilitating condition and even death for a patient. Which party do you think should win this case and why? Be sure to back up your argument using the concepts discussed in the Learning Module this week plus any additional research you do to help with supporting your position.

Sources: To receive full credit, you must cite at least one academic or government source to support your position in your original thought post. Please do not cite your book – this assignment requires you to do additional work. The following websites are not appropriate academic citations: Wikipedia.com; Ehow.com; Ask.com; About.com or anything in the same genre.

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Health Care

Paper details:Be sure that your responses to your classmates are: 1) Based on research, and 2) Use professional, scholarly sources, and 3) Submitted in APA 6th ed. style, and 4) A minimum of 250 words, excluding the references list, and 5) Submitted in text. Note – you may also submit an attachment to preserve your original formatting. You must submit your answer to this forum assignment question by 11:55PM EST on Thursday of this week. You also need to submit responses to at least two (2) of your classmates by 11:55PM EST on Sunday of this week. All postings should contribute and advance the class knowledge of the course themes. Students are encouraged to “get out of their comfort zones” when making their arguments. The reason behind this activity allows students to Analyze work from many different perspectives allowing the critical thinking process to grow. This is one classmate that I am suppose to respond to what he has written this is his posting on these questions Identify the symptoms of stress experienced by law enforcement personnel. Explain how the symptoms of stress experienced by law enforcement personnel impact their work

In this week’s assignment it wants us to discuss and identify the symptoms of stress experienced by law enforcement personnel. Police officers experience a type of stress that most of the majority of the American public will never have to be subjected to. It is a type of stress that only a combat military veteran could understand. The stress they are accustomed to is a constantly wondering if they are going to possibly get shot while on duty, the fear of what they might encounter each and every shift etc. A police officer’s stress can vary depending on the person and how they are able to handle things. Each individual has their own way of processing things. A police officer’s stress might be higher if they work in a poor neighborhood with a higher crime rate. Another aspect from the psychological side would be constantly trying to protect people. It has been stated that “the responsibility of being our first line of defense is not one that can be taken lightly. The stress of this responsibility can sometimes amount to too much for some members of the police force. Wanting to protect people is a noble goal, but shouldering that responsibility can be a source of great strain to some.” (adrenalfatiguesolution.com) I couldn’t imagine having to constantly have that weight on your shoulders and continue to uphold the oath you swore to serve and protect and not give up. Some of the symptoms of stress that police officers experience would be fatigue, depression, alcohol abuse, irritable, and even insomnia if they conduct shift work. Additionally most officers will have post-traumatic stress disorder due to the nature of the job with being in life threatening events and or visually seeing horrific scenes of violence.

I believe that these key symptoms can be extremely vital and pose a negative threat to the impact of their job and can put their life and the fellow officers at risk. The impact would be a result from constant stress that has not been tended to. Stress towards an officer can have negative effects on the quality of work that he or she is doing. These effects are that “they can become irritable which could lead to officer complaints from citizens and lack of focus on the job. Or it could make them susceptible to being seriously injured or killed while on duty because of not recognizing danger signs.” (inpublicsafety.com 2014) In some theory it could also jeopardize their judgment and preparation while testifying in a court case. The stress and lack of focus can play a huge role in being able to assist the prosecuting attorneys in a court case that involves them. As once stated that stress is all round us whether it is good or bad it is a part of life. However it is up to the individual to be able to channel that stress and seek help if it becomes out of control which they will need to utilize stress management. There have been many officers before us that have not been so lucky to where a life was taken, they sought early retirement, and or lost their job to the lack of guidance and stubbornness of not seeing medical attention.


Bond, M. (2014, February 24). The Impact of Stress and Fatigue on Law Enforcement Officers and Ways to Control It. Retrieved March 15, 2016, from http://inpublicsafety.com/2014/02/the-impact-of-stress-and-fatigue-on-law-enforcement-officers-and-steps-to-control-it/

Hessen, D. (2014). Police Stress: Identifying & Managing Symptoms of Stress | Adrenal Fatigue Solution. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://adrenalfatiguesolution.com/police-stress-fatigue/

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