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identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

Regent College 7 Higher Education Assignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma . I In this assessment you will have the 33:52:: Learning iiftsenllg opportunity to present evidence that T::k Evidence outcome shows you are able to: ‘ (Page “0) UnderStand 1.1 formulate and record possible research hOW to project outline specifications formulate a research 1-2 identify the factors that contribute to the Specification process of research project selection 1.3 undertake a critical review of key Lo1 references 1-4 produce a research project speCIfIcatIon 15 provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification Be able to 2_1 match resources efficiently to the research implement question or hypothesis the research 2_2 undertake the proposed research project investigation in accordance with the Lo2 within agreed specification and procedures agreed 2.3 procedures record and collate relevant data where and to appropriate specification Be able to 3.1 use appropriate research evaluation evaluate the techniques Lo3 research outcomes 3.2 interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification

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Regent College
Higher Education
Assignment front sheet
Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma
Unit 8: Research Project
Student name
Assessor name
Date issued
Completion date
24th February 2014
20th June 2014
Submitted on
Assignment title
how to
formulate a
nt Criteria
formulate and record possible research
project outline specifications
identify the factors that contribute to the
process of research project selection
undertake a critical review of key
Be able to
the research
and to
Be able to
evaluate the
In this assessment you will have the
opportunity to present evidence that
shows you are able to:
produce a research project specification
provide an appropriate plan and
procedures for the agreed research
match resources efficiently to the research
question or hypothesis
undertake the proposed research
investigation in accordance with the
agreed specification and procedures
record and collate relevant data where
use appropriate research evaluation
interpret and analyse the results in terms
of the original research specification
(Page no)
Be able to
present the
make recommendations and justify areas
for further consideration
use an agreed format and appropriate
media to present the outcomes of the
research to an audience.
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature:
In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT
and DISTINC TION grades
Grade Descriptor
M1Identify and apply strategies to find
appropriate solutions
Indicative characteristic/s
Effective judgements have been made.
An effective approach to study and research
has been applied.
M2 Select / design and apply appropriate
methods / techniques
M3 Present and communicate appropriate
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own
work and justify valid conclusions
To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements about the
value of your chosen research subject especially with regard
to its relevance to you in a professional context. (Task 1)
To achieve M2, you will have described and evaluated the
Appropriate learning methods/techniques have
key techniques available to you as the practitioner of a
been applied.
primary research project. (Task 1)
Communication is appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media
have been used.
Conclusions have been arrived at through
synthesis of ideas and have been justified.
Realistic improvements have been proposed
against defined characteristics for success.
D2 Take responsibility for managing and
organising activities
Activities have been managed.
D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral /
creative thinking
Relevant knowledge gained from previous
units has been incorporated in this unit, to
demonstrate a synoptic understanding of the
business environment.
To achieve M3 your final report will be presented in a
professional format which is aligned with the aims and
objectives of the Unit 8 assignment, using appropriate
business terminology and data presentation techniques.
(Task 2)
To achieve D1 you must show that you have evaluated the
strategies you have presented in your assignment, such that
they are clearly identified in order of importance (as selected
by you) in relation to the research data you are presenting.
(Tasks 1 & 2)
To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research and study, and you will
have presented evidence of differentiation between the
research methodology you used and at least one alternative
methodology you might have used.
(Tasks 1 & 2)
To achieve D3 you will have drawn conclusions which identify
the links between the planning and the implementation of your
research project, based on your literature review. To achieve
this you must show that convergent and lateral thinking has
been applied to problems, and that innovation and creative
thought have been applied to your work. (Tasks 1 & 2)
Assignment brief
Unit number and title
Unit 8: Research Project
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business
Start date
24th February 2014
20th June 2014
Perry Ellis
Assignment title
Research Project
Purpose of this assignment
To develop learners’ skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by undertaking a sustained
research investigation of direct relevance to their Higher Education programme and professional
Case study for: There is no specific case study
Task 1 (LO 1: LO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
You are required to carry out a management research on an appropriate organisation or an industry of
your choice and suggest recommendations in order to improve the performance, sales, or operations.
You must gain the approval of your tutor that the organisation/industry you intend to research is suitable
for this assignment, before completing any of the three designated tasks.
The proposal is a document designed to present project specification outlining a plan of action, reasons
why the action is necessary, and convince the reader to agree with and approve the implementation of
the actions recommended in the body of the document.
For this you are required to produce the following.
1. Title
2. Background
3. Aims
4. Design/Methodology
5. Plan for implementation
6. Conclusion
Important: You must seek feedback and approval of your Proposal from your tutor before moving on to
Task 2.
Task 2 (LO 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and LO 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Following the approval of the proposal carried out under task 1, you are required to produce a report on
your research.
Your Report must address;
? Efficient use of the resources to the research questions or the hypothesis
? Evidence of undertaking the proposed research investigation as agreed in the proposal in task 1
? Evidence of recording and collecting data relevant to your research
? Evidence of evaluation of the research
? Interpretation and analysis of the results in terms of the original research specification designed
in task 1
? Recommendations and justification of further consideration
You will be assigned a tutor who will oversee your work and guide you through the process.
The Report is to convey your knowledge and understanding of the learning outcomes of Higher National
Diploma in Business, to the assessors. The content must be drawn from the theory you have learned
throughout the course.
Important: You must seek feedback from your supervisor and must plan well in advance for this
Task 3 (LO 4: 4.1)
Upon the successful completion of your research, you are required to deliver a presentation to an
audience to communicate your findings and recommendations. It is recommended that you use
appropriate media to deliver the presentation.
Note: The Presentations will be held during the week starting 9 th June 2014 and each learner will be
allocated a presentation day and a time.
Summary of evidence required by student
Task 1
The proposal must in the format of a report and properly referenced. You
may use tables and diagrams to support your report to illustrate the text.
Task 2
Produce a report. The report must be written in professional manner and
properly referenced. The report should comply with the word count of 6000
with +/- 10% margin. You may use tables and diagrams to support your
report to illustrate the text. Word count excludes the index, headings,
information contained in tables, references and bibliography
Task 3
Produce a presentation. The Presentation must be written in professional
manner and properly referenced. The presentation must be designed for 1520 minutes including the question and answer session. You should use tables
and diagrams to support your presentation to illustrate the text. You must
hand in the hard copy of the slides to the assessors on the day of the
Achievement Summary
Unit Number and
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business
Unit 8: Research Project
Assessor name
Student name
To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the
student is able to:
formulate and record possible research project outline
identify the factors that contribute to the process of research
project selection
undertake a critical review of key references
produce a research project specification
provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed
research specification
match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis
undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with
the agreed specification and procedures
record and collate relevant data where appropriate
use appropriate research evaluation techniques
interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research
make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration
use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the
outcomes of the research to an audience
Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)
Grade descriptor
M1: Identify and apply strategies to
find appropriate solutions
Grade descriptor
D1: Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions
M2: Select/design and apply
appropriate methods/techniques
D2: Take responsibility for
managing and organising
M3: Present and communicate
appropriate findings
D3: Demonstrate
convergent/lateral /creative
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Feedback: Student to Assessor
Assessor Signature

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identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection
1.formulate the record possible research project outline specifications.(2) Identify the factors that contribute to the of research project seletion.(Undertake a critical review of key refernces.(4) produce a research project specification.(5)provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification.You should use the Harvard style of referencing.

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identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection
1.formulate the record possible research project outline specifications.(2) Identify the factors that contribute to the of research project seletion.(Undertake a critical review of key refernces.(4) produce a research project specification.(5)provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification.You should use the Harvard style of referencing.

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